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Working at home

Top tips for effective home working

1. Develop a routine and stick to it.

Wake up, get dressed and treat the day as a normal work day even if you are working from home.

2. Take up a new activity

Use any free time to keep your mind active and maybe do something different and untried such as singing, dancing,  creative writing or home exercises.

3. Catch-up regularly with colleagues

There are numerous online platforms or video conferencing, including MS Teams, Google hangout, Whatsapp, try to using them to stay in touch and maybe set up some fun activities to keep your colleagues engaged, i.e. set up a quiz, discussion group  or home-based ‘treasure hunt’.

4. Eat healthily

Try to eat at a regular time and maintain a healthy eating plan to ensure you ward off any other potential health conditions.

5. Stay active at home

It may be difficult to go out for walks or runs, so try taking up exercises that you can do around the house, such as seated and floor exercises. You can find some examples here


More mental health and wellbeing advice for home workers and their managers, is available online at Thrive at Home part of Midlands Engine Mental Health and Productivity Pilot 


You can also find a list of online courses and resources to support health and wellbeing here