Coventry City Council
Organisation Name: Coventry City Council
Sector: Public Sector
Size of Organisation: 4667 employees
Thrive Lead: Angela White
What They Do: Local Authority City Council
How Thrive at Work has impacted the organisation: Using Thrive at Work as the structure, Angela White and Susanna Newing have put a great deal of work into the Local Authority’s wellbeing offer through; the establishment of a wellbeing board and introduction of Health Champions, Health & Wellbeing nurses, a podiatry clinic and MSK service, changes to flexible working and agile working arrangements, and all line managers to be trained in mental health first
aid as an example of some of their initiatives. There is also further investment planned to bring about a more
comprehensive approach to wellbeing including a brand-new sickness absence procedure. The challenge with all large organisations is in making it possible for all employees to enjoy the same wellbeing experience regardless of role, department or location, but through Thrive’s structured approach alongside Angela and Susanna’s determination and
commitment, Coventry City Council are on a journey that will see that happen..
Accreditation Date: September 2021