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Silver Level

Silver Level Explained

The Silver level of Thrive at Work focuses on understanding employee’s health needs and taking direct action to prevent ill-health. Activities at this level of the commitment will require businesses to understand the health needs of their employees (both in general and specific members of staff) and take action to meet those needs and prevent ill health. Criteria will provide specific areas for action, but activities will be selected and developed by businesses based on their understanding of their workforce.

Businesses at Silver level will be expected to develop some expertise in health and wellbeing, including knowledge of local and national resources, which may require additional training or a significant time commitment from some members of staff. Activities such as training may also require financial investment from businesses. Business will also foster an environment where Employees will feel comfortable discussing their health needs with managers, and managers will feel comfortable providing support to their teams. Additionally, Business will have a named champion for different areas of health and wellbeing – depending on the size of the business, this may be one member of staff or multiple. These champions, alongside employees will be actively involved in developing health and wellbeing activities and policies.