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About the Programme

Thrive at Work is a workplace commitment with criteria and guidelines on creating a workplace that promotes employee health and wellbeing, focusing on key organisational enablers of health such as attendance management, policies and procedures in addition to health areas such as mental, musculoskeletal and physical health and promoting healthy lifestyles.

The programme is funded by the UK Government and is free to organisations across the West Midlands region. It is open to organisations of any sector, suitable to those that employ 5 or more employees.

It is designed to maximise the potential of your employees and drive results to your bottom line through reduced sickness absence, improved retention, increased resilience and more productivity by assisting you to create a healthier and happier workforce.

There are four levels to the programme at which an organisation can achieve accreditation. Each level covers a number of different themes, starting at the Foundation level and progressing on to Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. Organisations can set the level they want to achieve and work at their own pace to implement the criteria.

Once registered to the programme the Thrive at Work Commitment and supporting toolkit will be made accessible to organisations. They will be given a secure login area to the website to upload supporting evidence towards accreditation.

The Thrive at Work Commitment handbook guides you step by step through the process, and when used in conjunction with our free extensive online toolkit, it doesn’t just tell you what you need to do, but also gives you the ‘how to’ by collating relevant wellbeing resources into one place.

The Thrive at Work team are on hand to offer support and assist with any queries you may have. They will keep you informed of upcoming events, webinars, and any new online learning tools as they are released.

Organisations that achieve accreditation of at least the Bronze Level of the Thrive at Work Commitment will receive the Thrive at Work Wellbeing Award. This accreditation sets an organisation apart as an employer of choice when it comes to mental health and wellbeing, whilst also enjoying the benefits of increased productivity.

Learn more about Thrive at Work


Benefits Find out why organisations sign up

Criteria and Toolkit

Criteria & Toolkit Learn about the programme

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Find out how we handle data

Hear how Thrive at Work helps people

Learn about the Thrive at Work Levels

Get started on your Foundation Level by watching this short overview: