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Meet the CAP team

Find out about the team

The Governance Board

The Governance Board will play a key role in overseeing and monitoring the delivery of the CAP. They will also be responsible for advising on strategy, policy and funding allocations that contribute to the delivery of the programme aims. Membership of the Governance Board is as follows:

  • Mubasshir Ajaz, West Midlands CA (Chair and Programme Senior Responsible Officer)
  • Vicky Hobart, Greater London Authority
  • Ruth Gaul, North East CA
  • Dave Boulger, Greater Manchester NHS
  • Ruth Speare, South Yorkshire CA
  • Jennifer Connolly, West Yorkshire CA
  • Charlie Garnett, West of England CA
  • Stephanie Rose, Tees Valley CA
  • Rob Tabb, Liverpool City Region
  • Katherine Merrifield/Gwen Nightingale, The Health Foundation

Central Delivery Team

The WMCA has recruited and is hosting a central team to manage the operation and delivery of the CAP, which will spend 70% of its time providing direct capacity to CAs and 30% of its time building the evidence base and disseminating CAP findings. The team consists of the following posts:

  • Consultant in Public Health – Alice Walker
  • Delivery Manager – Claire Humphries
  • Senior Policy Officer – Grace Scrivens
  • Policy Officer – Dylan Jones
  • Policy Officer – Thom Dancox

This team is co-sponsored by the Greater London Authority (GLA), which means that the GLA will offer strategic support, alongside the Programme Senior Responsible Officer, and professional oversight of the Consultant in Public Health, who is based within the GLA.

Embedded posts

The CAP will include 2-5 embedded posts, which will each be hosted by a different CA. These team members will be embedded into specific projects identified by the host CA and supported by the central CAP team.

The projects will align with the programme aims and thematic focus areas and will be identified based on local opportunity and engagement. Embedded posts aim to ensure that the projects are adding value and maximising impact for the host CA.

The following embedded post is currently in place:

  • Greater Manchester CA (GMCA) – Shazia Kamran, Strategy and Partnership Manager

The GMCA impact project seeks to mobilise a system-wide approach to address increasing levels of economic inactivity resulting from poor health amongst those aged 50-64.

Scoping for additional embedded posts is currently underway.

Contact  details

To learn more about this programme or for any enquiries please email Delivery Manager Claire Humphries: