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Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls


The Government chose Laura Shoaf (Chief Executive) and Anne Shaw (Executive Director for TfWM) in July 2021 to lead efforts to tackle violence against women and girls on transport. They are the UK's first Violence Against Women and Girls Transport Champions.

Under the new role they have worked with the Department for Transport, as well as passenger groups and the transport industry, to identify areas for improvement across the country’s transport network.

The recommendations

These recommendations have been shaped through discussions with nearly 200 respondents, who attended eight roundtable workshops with a variety of specialisms from charities, women’s transport advocates and victim and survivor groups to enforcement officers, transport operators, planners and placemaking experts to discuss the opportunities in addressing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWGs) within the transport sector.

The views presented together with the solutions for making it safer across our transport networks were wide-ranging, covering various cultures and motivations, and a range of sexual harassment incidents, with various interventions, discussed often combining several cross-sectoral strategies to achieve the greatest impact.