Protecting our pubs
We're encouraging pub lovers to help protect their local as part of an initiative to stop historical pubs being lost for good.
We've joined forces with the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) in the wake of the Crooked House fire and demolition to review historical pubs in the West Midlands to ensure those of value that are at risk are properly protected.
As part of our ‘List Your Local’ campaign we've drawn up a ‘target list’ of suitable heritage pubs with CAMRA, which, alongside the public’s recommendations, will be examined on a case-by-case basis to see if and how they can be protected.
Options include heritage listing, asset of community value listing, and community ownership.
The campaign follows a report by the WMCA, which will focus on the preservation of pubs in the West Midlands.
Have your say and protect your local by completing our submission form.
Submission form