Types of Metrics
There are two types of metrics that are being used to track the regions progress towards achieving Inclusive Growth:
Attainment metric:
These measures will be used to track the extent to which the region is achieving its IG definition. They will be monitored on an annual basis for a minimum of 3/5 years to ensure that we can track our progress against the fundamentals.
Progress metrics:
These metrics are intended to provide further context in relation to each of the fundamentals and associated policy themes. They will allow us to ensure that the interventions we are taking are addressing the problems they should be for those most in need.
Some of these metrics are very close to the attainment metric for the same fundamental. We will look to refresh these more frequently than the attainment metrics, reflecting WMCA activities.
Metric by Fundamental

- Total Carbon Emissions
- Greenhouse gas Emissions (CO2, CH4, and N2O) per capita
- Proportion of household waste landfill
- Renewable energy
- Emissions
- Emissions intensity ratio
- Domestic Gas Consumption
- Domestic Electricity Consumption
- Median consumption of domestic gas
- Recycling rates
- Total LA collected waste incinerated with energy from waste (EfW)

- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)per Capita
- Gross Domestic Household Income (GDHI) per head of population
- Proportion of the population who are employees (aged 16-64) in WMCA area
- Overall business creation and survival
- Proportion of income spent on essentials
- Gross Value Added (GVA) per hour worked
- % People on zero hours contracts in WM Region
- Youth claimant rates as a % proportion of 16–24-year-olds in the WMCA area
- Proportion of the population who are economically inactive - long-term sick

- Turnout in local elections
- Proportion of people who have engaged in civic participation (contacted their local Member of Parliament (MP), councillor, attended a public meeting and signed a petition) in the last 12 months
- Turnout in national elections
- Engagement in protests, marches, volunteering etc.
- Proportion of people who agree that they can influence decisions affecting their local area
- Proportion of residents satisfied with their Local Authority (LA).

- Population density
- Expenditure on Essentials
- Rates of Homelessness
- Perception of Safety
- % of affordable housing
- Rent as a proportion of Income
- % Households Fuel Poor
- Rates of homelessness for families with children in temporary accommodation
- People living with friends, family, sleeping rough etc
- Experiences of Harassment
- Hate Crime Reporting
- People killed or seriously injured in Road Traffic Incidents (RTI’s)

- Percentage of population that can access at least three strategic centres within 45 minutes public transport journey time.
- Proportion of residents (adults) who walk or cycle for 5 journeys a week.
- Risk or Likelihood of digital Exclusion for WMCA Area
- Strength of feelings of belonging to immediate neighbourhood, people aged 16 and over
- Access to local amenities, including post offices, cashpoints and parks
- Percentage increase in WM population in an acceptable walking distance of a public transport mode.
- Gigabit broadband internet connectivity
- % 5G coverage

- Working aged population Level 3+
- Apprenticeship completion
- Both English & Maths Grade 4 and above
- % young people between 16 - 17 Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET)
- Working aged population with at least Level 1+
- Achievement of level 2 and 3 qualifications by adults aged 19 plus
- % Employees receiving training in employment in the last 12 months
- Apprenticeship starts
- % of businesses and employers offering training and or skills opportunities.
- Attainment and progress 8
- Free School Meals
- KS2 Reading Writing Maths readiness
- Localities with the most and least NEETs

- Life expectancy, healthy life expectancy by age and sex
- Life satisfaction
- Mortality from causes considered preventable
- Inequality in life expectancy - most and least deprived neighbourhoods
- Social Isolation: percentage of adult social care users who have as much social contact as they would like (18+ yrs)
- Smoking prevalence in adults
- % of adults (aged 18+) classified as obese
- % of obese children in year 6

- Income inequality in the region
- Childcare costs as a proportion of income
- Hate crime and incidents
- Gender pay gap
- Ethnicity pay gap
- Disability pay/ income gap