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Affordable and safe places

The Inclusive Growth Framework translates inclusive growth from an intellectual concept to into a reality that can be put into practice to build a fairer, greener and better connected region

Inclusive Growth Framework Fundamentals

Affordable and safe places


Affordable and safe places is about everyone living in decent homes that they can afford, in neighbourhoods where they feel secure, and having a sense of belonging in the place that they live.


We need to ensure that the design of neighbourhoods, high streets, town centres, parks and other public areas are inclusive and accessible, so that everyone can thrive. This also means ensuring that there is a range of housing options which are affordable, safe and of a high standard.  

We recognize that different groups of people have different experiences.  For instance, we need to consider the needs of people with low incomes, disabilities, older people, and those with additional needs. 


Ensuring that everyone in the West Midlands has affordable, safe and secure housing which meets their needs and aspirations. To do this, we must design out homelessness, create good quality homes and address housing decency and living standards across the different housing sectors. 

To learn about how we measure Inclusive Growth please visit our Inclusive Growth Metrics page.



Inclusive Growth Framework

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Inclusive Growth Toolkit