Race Equalities Taskforce
Introduction to the Taskforce
The Race Equalities Taskforce was set up to improve opportunity for all of our communities. It is an independent group working to tackle race inequality and make our region fairer.

Who we are
About the Taskforce and our members

Why we exist
Tackling inequality in the West Midlands

What we do
Race Forward: our plan for change
Activity, news and views...

Race Equalities Taskforce - Annual Progress Report
This report sets out the progress the Taskforce has made in our first year of delivery.

Community Led Business Support
On 18 July 2024, we officially launched our Community Led Business Support pilot at the Legacy Centre of Excellence in Newtown, Birmingham.

Race Equality Skills Week
The Taskforce trialled a ‘flagship’ project to connect employers with communities during national Race Equality Week and National Apprenticeship Week (5-12 February 2024).

Taskforce invest in Aaina Community Hub
Aaina Community Hub in Walsall has received a £100,000 grant to help it sustain and extend its vital offer to local communities.

National Race Equality Week: call to leaders
National Race Equality Week took place 5-11th February 2024. During the week, Sharonjit Clare took action to call for better leadership diversity.

Taskforce hold community launch in Sandwell
A community launch of the Taskforce and its plan for action Race Forward was held at the Bethel Convention Centre in West Bromwich.

Sharonjit Clare announced as new Taskforce Chair
A new chair has been appointed to lead the West Midlands Race Equalities Taskforce.

Taskforce publishes its plan
West Midlands Race Equalities Taskforce publishes regional plan to help tackle racial inequalities.

Developing Race Forward
The Taskforce was set up in Spring 2022. It spent its first year bringing partners together to develop a plan for change. The result was Race Forward, the Taskforce’s independent strategy.

Listening Together
“Listening Together” brought around 70 people from across the region’s communities together for a morning to share their views and experiences of jobs, skills, transport and housing in the West Midlands.

Taskforce members sign up
People from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences have been appointed to the region's new Race Equalities Taskforce set up to find new ways to ensure all communities share the region's success.

Yetunde Dania calls for applicants to join the Taskforce
A new regional Race Equalities Taskforce, set up by the West Midlands Combined Authority, will be led by an independent Chair - announced as Yetunde Dania.

WMCA awarded the Race Code accreditation
The West Midlands Combined Authority has been named as the first organisation in the UK to qualify to use the RACE (Reporting Action Composition Education) Equality Code quality mark.
If you want more information or to support the work of the Race Equalities Taskforce please email raceequalitiestaskforce@wmca.org.uk