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2024 Community Award Winner - Masefield Community Garden

Masefield Community Garden in Northfield, Birmingham, is run by a team of volunteers committed to improving and conserving the site by creating a garden for the local community. They work together with local residents to promote health and well-being, deliver food growing skills to educate, inspire and support local people, encourage more environmentally friendly sustainable and healthy eating habits.​

The garden has grown from a disused piece of land into a thriving garden through the help of dedicated volunteers, constituting as a community group in 2014. ​

The garden includes vegetables, fruits, flowers and trees along with a thriving wildflower area where pollinators regularly visit. The garden has a pond, of which frogs spawn and so from a piece of disused land the land has been brought back into use. ​

The garden brings people together. People of all ages, regardless of gardening experience are welcome to come and join us to 'grow and share'. 2023 saw 584 volunteer visits, from 80 volunteers, 63% of which involved children.​

Watch more on the project below.