Home Upgrade Grants - FAQs
What types of energy-saving improvements are included in this scheme?
We will offer you the best combination of carbon emission and energy bill savings suitable for your property, based on the grant funding available.
Solar panels, loft and wall insulation are the most common improvements made on homes for previous applicants.
Low carbon heating such as Air Source Heat Pumps and energy-efficient storage heaters are also frequently installed.
Other improvements can include upgrades to windows, doors and lighting or the addition of hot water cylinder jackets.
Why do I need a preliminary Survey?
To qualify for a Home Upgrade Grant, your home’s energy rating needs to be below a certain threshold. A qualified assessor will carry out a survey to assess your home’s energy performance and provide you with an accurate rating. The survey will also provide you with a report highlighting the energy savings measures that can be offered to you as part of this scheme.
Do I need to pay for the Survey
No, you don’t.
Do I need to make any financial contributions to the scheme?
No, not if you own the home and live in it. If you are a landlord you can also apply for a Home Upgrade Grant, but will be asked to make a 33% contribution to the costs of the works.
Who pays for the energy saving improvements?
The funding has been allocated to West Midlands residents from central government.
Will I need to provide proof of income when I apply?
Once we’ve received your Expression of Interest, we will contact you and check your eligibility for the grant. There are many postcode areas in Birmingham, Sandwell, Dudley and Rugby which the Government has classified as ‘income exempt’ for the Home Upgrade Grant. We will check this and if you live in one of these areas, we will not need to ask you for any proof of income.
However in the majority of cases, the combined household income must be £36,000 or less to be eligible. We will require proof of this (bank statement/pay slip/benefit letter/P60 or alternative proof) to process your application.
We may also need some proof that you own or rent the home.

Who will carry out the work?
West Midland Combined Authority’s appointed contractors will carry out the work. If you live in Birmingham or Sandwell, this will be Next Energy and if you live in Dudley or Rugby it will be Everwarm Ltd.
WMCA closely monitors the quality of contractors’ work across the programme; we meet them every week and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
How long will the work take?
This depends on the work you have agreed to be carried out on your home. For example, the installation of low energy lighting could take a few hours whilst the average time for the installation of external wall insulation is between 7-10 days.
The contractors will liaise with you to ensure that the work is carried out at a mutually convenient time.
All construction work for the Home Upgrade Grant programme must be completed by the end of March 2025.
Will I have to move out while some of the works are done?
No, you won’t have to move out whilst the work is carried out. Contractors will work with you to help minimise the disruption that will occur from the work carried out to your home.
What is an Energy Performance Certificate?
Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) were first introduced in the UK in 2007 to provide potential buyers and tenants with an indication of the energy efficiency of a property, along with information about the property’s typical energy costs and options to reduce energy use and make the property more energy efficient.
How can I find out if my home has an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and its rating?
The Government holds a list of all registered EPCs. You can access them by visiting the Find an energy performance certificate (EPC) web page and searching your postcode.
Only properties with an EPC rating of D, E, F or G are eligible for a Home Upgrade Grant.
What do I do if my property does not have an Energy Performance Certificate?
There is no need for concern. This can be stablished when the energy assessor carries out the survey at your property.
I am a landlord/tenant, can I apply?
Yes. If you are a landlord, who has 4 or less properties, you will be able to apply. You will need to contribute at least one third of the cost of the upgrades in addition to the funding provided. This will be agreed before work begins. You can find out more and apply at www.wmca.org.uk/landlords
Who can I speak to for more information?
Please call WMCA’s energy efficiency team on 07385 117549 or email Hug2@WMCA.org.uk