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Infrastructure for Zero Emission Vehicles (IZEV)

Supporting the transition to zero-emission transport systems

Energy plays a critical role in facilitating the decarbonisation of transport and in particular the wholesale shift to Zero Emission Vehicles.

We're working to support this transition, looking at the role of the energy system in supporting both the electrification and shift to alternative fuels of both public transport systems and business and private vehicles.

We have worked closely with colleagues at Transport for West Midlands and Midlands Connect to understand the changing transport needs of the region and devise a strategy which uses the unique strength and position of the West Midlands to ensure we have the appropriate infrastructure to support the transition to zero emission vehicles.

Our work has informed the ongoing update of TfWM’s statutory Local Transport Plan and will be embedded in the refreshed EV Strategy due to be adopted by WMCA.

If you would like to get involved, please contact Kate Ashworth