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WMCA Carbon Literacy

Why is the WMCA running Carbon Literacy Training?

In 2019, the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) declared a climate emergency, recognising the severity of climate change for the region, the country, and the world. The climate crisis poses humanity’s greatest threat, and action must be taken to ensure a liveable planet this century.  

Following this declaration, the WMCA developed a regional target for the West Midlands to be carbon neutral by 2041 (WM2041), including a Five Year Plan for delivery. These plans to tackle climate change were acknowledged as the highest ranked combined authority and second in a league table of all 408 local and combined authorities in the country, in rankings published by not-for-profit organisation, Climate Emergency UK (source). As part of the WM2041 target, the WMCA has committed to embedding Carbon Literacy throughout the Combined Authority.  

The WMCA has been working to educate and empower staff and residents through Carbon Literacy training for almost three years.

Carbon Literacy training is offered to all staff to ensure we work collectively to reduce emissions. From our housing directorate to Transport for West Midlands, it is critical that everyone is working together towards net zero by 2041, and Carbon Literacy plays an essential role in this.  

The WMCA was awarded Bronze Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) status in 2022 and have now been awarded Silver CLO status; the first Combined Authority to be awarded CLO status and the first to reach Silver accreditation, and a landmark achievement within the local government sector.

What is a Carbon Literate Organisation? 

A Carbon Literate Organisation is an organisation that has been accredited by The Carbon Literacy Project as being “culturally Carbon Literate”, maintaining a substantial proportion of its workforce as Carbon Literate and demonstrating its Carbon Literacy through its organisational behaviour. 

Since our first session in November 2021, almost 15% of the WMCA have undergone training, supporting an organisational culture shift that ensures WM2041 is a top priority in everything we do.

What benefits have we seen from delivering the training to staff?

A focus on action has led staff pledging significant carbon-reduction actions at home and, crucially, in the workplace, which have begun to change the drive and face of the Combined Authority. For example, due to one action, staff events are becoming meat-free, in recognition of the higher carbon footprint of meat products.  

The training has also been key in the development of a funding bid for ‘zero carbon highways’. The successful funding bid will lead to the creation of the ‘UK CO2llaboration Centre of Excellence for Highway Materials Decarbonisation’ in the West Midlands & beyond. This Centre of Excellence will help develop skills and innovation in low-carbon highway materials and techniques, and has secured £4 million in funding (read more here).  

The benefits are not just reduced carbon. Attendees have also reflected on the merit of bringing staff together, both in person and online, prompting cross-organisation collaboration and boosting staff moral through positive interactions. Alongside the roll out of the training to the organisation, the WMCA’s Strategic Leadership Team have committed to all do the Carbon Literacy training. The role of leadership in the push for net zero is critical and their attendance will mark an important development for the WMCA. 

One attendee suggested that the training ‘provided a great overview of the global carbon crisis that we currently face, translated that back to our organisation, and helped us define individual strategies to help make a difference’.  

Another commented that ‘the training is perfect for colleagues and other organisations as it allows you time to step back and reflect on your personal and professional commitment to helping make a change’. 


We hear from Matt and Katie in our environment team about the training and why it is so important.

The WMCA is also the first Combined Authority to achieve Silver Carbon Literate Organisation status as 15% of our workforce are now Carbon Literate.