West Midlands Adapt (WM-Adapt)
WM-Adapt is a £2m UKRI- funded research project that is being led by the University of Birmingham in close collaboration with the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). Find out more about the launch of the project here.
WM-Adapt seeks to drive a step change in local adaptation delivery through three key workstreams:
(1) Community-scale adaptation.
(2) Climate Risk & Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) data enhancements.
(3) The convening of a Regional Adaptation Network (RAN).
See below for more information on these workstreams.
Project Workstreams:
Workstream 1 will produce a framework for developing community scale, place-based adaptation pathways that help communities and the organisations that serve, prepare, and respond to climate shocks.
This will include two participatory approaches:
- The delivery of world cafes across sixteen places in the West Midlands to collect a regional understanding of community perspectives of adaptation from a diverse range of citizens.
- The delivery of adaptation workshops bringing together residents, service providers, utility representatives and local government to co-create climate adaptation pathways (which by their nature include timelines for action) for four priority neighbourhoods.
Building on the West Midlands Climate Risk & Vulnerability Assessment (WM-CRVA) to improve our region’s approach to climate risk identification and future scenario analysis.
Enhancements to the existing WM-CRVA include the incorporation of: (1) future climate projections, (2) current and future urban heat islands, (3) future surface-level flood risk, (4) health and economic impacts.
WM-Adapt will convene a Regional Adaptation Network (RAN) to connect and build the adaptive capacity of key players who have a role in preparing the West Midlands region for climate change.
The RAN will:
- facilitate knowledge exchange and training
- foster the partnerships needed to co-develop shared adaptation solutions
- identify shared barriers to climate adaptation planning and delivery
- inform the data enhancements and community engagement emerging from other WM-Adapt workstreams
- offer mentoring and support for members new to climate adaptation
- develop a route map for improving regional adaptive capacity (the potential or ability of an organisation, system, region of community (based on capacity and capability) to adapt to the impacts of climate change)
Benefits of RAN membership:
- Evidence the consequences of an un-adapted West Midlands, making the collective case for climate adaptation delivery
- Access seminars and training resources to upskill staff on climate adaptation, including the use of Climate Sense’s adaptive capacity diagnostics tool
- Shape the regional vision, strategy and data developments based on organisational needs, responsibilities and intelligence gaps
- Efficient use of collective resources over piecemeal, siloed working
Climate impacts are already affecting the West Midlands. We all have a role to play in ensuring we are prepared. What's your role in preparing the region for climate change?
If you have any questions about the WMCA's climate adaptation work please contact: environment@wmca.org.uk