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What to do if I failed my exams

Helpful tips if you didn't get the exam results you were expecting

The pressure’s off. You’ve finished your exams and can breathe a sigh of relief – well done!    

What comes next doesn’t have to be daunting: this is an exciting time, and regardless of whether you got the exam results you were hoping for, there are plenty of options available that can lead to a super successful future.   

Maybe you’ve chosen what you’d like to do next and you’re already getting ready for the adventure.   

Maybe you haven’t decided yet or didn’t quite get the exam results you needed – that’s okay too.    

Not sure where to go next after exams? We’ve got you covered – read on for 5 great tips to help you decide.   

1. Switch up your subject   

If you’re hoping to go to college or university but didn’t meet the entry requirements with your exam results, how about choosing a different course?   

Play to your strengths and go for a subject you’ve shown capability in – that way the institution will want you on board, and you might just discover a path that was meant for you all along.   

2. Think outside the classroom  

Many institutions will consider applicants not only based on exam results, but also on your hobbies – it’s always worth checking their individual websites to see what they look out for.  

If your exam results weren’t what you hoped for but you still want to pursue your original plan, think about proving yourself in other ways such as sports, work experience, or individual qualifications (you can find those on our Course Finder).  

HINT: Start putting together a portfolio of all your skills to help with applying for courses or jobs.  

A group of people in orange kayaks on the water, with tall rocks in the distance.

3. Try before you buy  

If you’re still unsure what you’d like to do with your career after receiving your exam results, volunteering, internships, or work experience can give you a glimpse into various industries to help you decide where to go next.   

Be bold and contact any companies you might be interested in working for – they might just give you the opportunity to try it.  

4. Go vocational   

Apprenticeships or other skills-focussed routes are a great option and often don’t require high level exam results – you can even earn money whilst you learn!  

These are available in many industries and at all levels, and you can expect to gain valuable work experience as well as a qualification to really catapult your career.   

HINT: If you failed your Maths and English, don’t worry – you can often still get an apprenticeship and will be supported to retake these subjects at the same time.   

5. Get networking   

If you’ve received your exam results and may not be able to pursue the career route you were hoping at this stage, you can try reaching out to others who are doing what you want to do to find out how they made it.  

LinkedIn is a great place to do this – simply set up an account and find people by industry or job title, and they might just be able to point you in a new direction with insider hints and tips.   

A group of 5 people sat on a bright yellow sofa, in front of bright orange walls. They have laptops and notebooks and are happily chatting.

If in doubt, reach out to your peers, school or local authorities for careers support. Don’t worry, all is not lost and you’re still going to do great things!  

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