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3 reasons not to worry about sharing your exam results

Telling family your exam results doesn't have to be scary

It can feel like receiving your exam results will affect not only you, but others close to you as well – including your parents.  

Are you feeling a little nervous to share your exam results with them?   

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many students can feel that way – it’s in our human nature not to want to let anyone down.   

We've rounded up 3 reasons why telling your family what exam results you got doesn't have to be scary. 

1. They can offer support

We all know that saying: ‘A problem shared, is a problem halved.’

Sharing your exam results with people around you can relieve some of the pressure you might be feeling.

If your exam results weren’t quite what you hoped for, that’s okay; it’s not the end of the world and getting support from family or anyone else close to you can help you to understand that.

From helping you look for opportunities with the results you have, to simply being there for a coffee and a chat, the most important thing to remember is that everyone wants you to be happy.

A mother between her son and daughter, smiling with their arms around each other.

2. Everyone’s been there

Take it from a parent: “I remember when my kids went through their exams, and perhaps looking back I put the pressure on a bit – only because I wanted the best for them.”  

“Now, I would tell them that their exam results do not define their future, as there are so many options available, and you can still do great things. I’m proud no matter what.”   

Remember, it’s likely that your family have been in the exact same situation as you, nervously waiting for their exam results as they thought it would “define their future.”    

That’s why they might appear to push you to succeed where they perhaps didn’t.  

But exam results don’t equal success in life, and everyone will support you to achieve your goals, whatever path you take.  

3. You’ve got options

Once you’ve received your exam results, whether you choose to share them with family or not, we’re here to reassure you that you always have options.

Whether it’s switching to a different course, finding an apprenticeship, or anything else, our free Post-Exam Survival Guide can tell you everything you need to know.

One student says: “I didn’t get the exam results I wanted, and I was apprehensive to tell my parents because they can be a bit strict. It was totally fine in the end though, they just wanted me to be happy, and they helped me look for different options.”  

Finding different options doesn’t have to be done on your own.

Speak to your family, read our guide, or reach out to advisors in your local area, and you’ll find plenty of support to reach your goals with the exam results you have.


We understand that it may sometimes be difficult to share your exam results with parents or close family. Your local careers advisors are there to talk to.  

If you are struggling with your mental health and feel you need support visit Kooth.

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