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Improving the level 3 skills offer for adults

About the consultation

The WMCA is committed to increasing the proportion of its residents who are qualified to level 3. Expanding and improving our level 3 training offer for adults is critical to achieving this. We are seeking your views on our proposals.

This consultation is predominantly for individual Local Authorities, colleges and training providers who are delivering – or would like to deliver – level 3 training provision in the West Midlands Combined Authority area. However, we would also welcome responses from wider stakeholders with an interest in adult learning and training.

The consultation was issued on 16th March 2023 and will run until 10:00am on 24th April 2023.

Please read the supporting consultation documentation before completing your response.

Complete the survey and submit your response.

Specific queries on the policy content of the consultation can be sent to

Consultation supporting information

Introduction: The case for level 3

Introduction: The case for level 3

WMCA Adult Education Budget Strategy: Improving the offer at level 3

Improving the offer at level 3

Making Level 3 study affordable: reviewing the low wage threshold

Making Level 3 study affordable: reviewing the low wage threshold

Supporting Level 3 study accessible: proposals for learner support

Supporting Level 3 study accessible: proposals for learner support

Improving and expanding the Level 3 offer: working with providers

Improving and expanding the Level 3 offer: working with providers

Full Document