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How to get that promotion you know you deserve

We’ve all been there. Time passes by and you feel like progression is the only logical way that you’ll feel satisfied with work again – not to mention, earning a little more money might be nice.

So, how do you go after it?

Sometimes, if you’re lucky, progression in a job role can happen naturally – but often you can end up chasing that promotion and time after time being pipped to the post.

We’re here to tell you that you can do it – that promotion is yours for the taking, and we’ve put together 6 tips that could help you grab it with both hands.

Ready, skill set, go

Possibly one of the most effective ways to get that promotion, is to be the best qualified for it.

Thankfully, we’ve got you covered when it comes to getting the right skills for the job.

Just ask Kaya from the Black Country; he saw the growing demand for employees with digital skills, particularly in relation to AI, and he jumped at the chance to take on one of the courses we fund.

On developing his skills with the ‘AI for Current Workforce’ course, provided by Netcom, Kaya says: “Rather than fighting against the AI change, which is going to happen, I thought why not go with it and up-skill to futureproof myself. I think it will change my working life.”

So if, like Kaya, you can be prepared to meet employer’s ever-evolving needs for new skill sets, then you’re likely to be a shoe in for that next big promotion.

Self-development is key

Naturally, you’re likely to get better at your job the longer you’re doing it for – but desire for development shouldn’t just stop at the inevitable repetition of your daily 9 to 5.

Up-skilling with a funded course could be a great opportunity to, as Kaya puts it, “enhance your workflow” and show self-development to really impress.

Being willing to develop yourself in all aspects is a real asset. Whether that be taking on a course to grow your skill set, going the extra mile to improve a piece of work, or simply taking the time to research and expand your knowledge.

And if you’re not sure – ask!

All too often, asking questions is seen as a sign of weakness; but it’s quite the opposite. Asking questions is a sign that you care about your role and are keen to learn and develop.

Pitch in

We all know that feeling when you have a burning, epic idea just waiting to take the meeting by storm, and then you… never actually share it.

Yeah, you really should share it.

Taking on a funded course can increase your knowledge and help you to feel confident pitching more impactful ideas.

What’s more, continuing to learn and explore new concepts could provide you with an edge over other candidates for that promotion.

Kaya will use what he’s learning on the ‘AI for Current Workforce’ course to form exciting new ideas in his wok as a VFX (Video Effects) Compositor.

He says: “There have been recent developments, so we’ve been learning about different types of AI and I think it’s a massive opportunity.”

Remember though: there’s no ‘I’ in ‘team’ – it’s all about working collaboratively and recognising when your great ideas can help the team achieve objectives, whilst listening to the contributions of others.

Manage your time

It may sound cliché, but arriving to work on time, being punctual to meetings, and striving to meet deadlines can do wonders for the impression you make in a work environment.

Become a master of time management.

There are multiple ways you can achieve this, including learning to prioritise tasks and keeping a schedule close to hand.

And if we’ve already tempted you by the idea of up-skilling, this doesn’t need to wreak havoc with your carefully organised working day.

On fitting training around his work, Kaya says: “It’s all online and we have 3 hours in the evenings Monday to Thursday, so it’s not too intense and the time goes quickly because the training providers keep it really interesting.”

Seek to solve

What’s worse than a problem?

Well, a problem that nobody has bothered to find a solution for.

Rather than going to your manager with endless problems, think to yourself:

  • Can I clearly define the issue?
  • Have I triple checked the outcome?
  • Can I research a solution?
  • How can I develop an action plan?
  • What is the impact, and how can this be minimised?

To really make yourself a top candidate for that big promotion, try to be the person who actively seeks solutions to problems that will, inevitably, continue to arise.

Kaya recognises that, “There is a lot of talk in the VFX industry about whether AI is going to take people’s jobs.”

But rather than seeing this as a problem, he’s proactively taken on a course to up-skill and find ways that AI can be beneficial to his own work.

Continuing your learning with a funded course can keep you in good practise when it comes to problem solving and seeking a tangible answer.

Become a leader

They say, ‘knowledge is power.’

In other words, oftentimes, the best way to become a leader is to know your stuff.

Combining all the previous points can prepare you for leading a team and make you a viable candidate for that big promotion – but we must yet again emphasise how continually learning could be your key to clinching it.

By taking on a course, you can grow your knowledge and be ready to impart this onto a team to really reap the rewards.

Thanks to the skills Kaya is acquiring on his course, he now feels that he’s “blazing the trail.”

Training to become an expert in your industry and develop other skills will make you a respectable leader – all that’s left to do is nail your interview and the job could be yours.

Get skilled and grab that promotion – explore below.

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