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Courses to help you boost your confidence

Think about when you feel most confident. It's usually because you felt able to complete a task well. Feeling confident helps you to feel fulfilled, content and tackle other tasks without too much worry. 

So if you've always found certain tasks more tricky - like maths for example - you might feel unsure about everyday jobs such as recipes or opening a spreadsheet at work. And that's no good for anyone.

Multiply is a course designed to improve your maths skills. It offers a variety of courses suitable for beginners as well as those seeking qualifications such as GCSE Maths or Functional Skills. The programme provides options for classroom-based learning, online courses, and short courses, allowing you to learn at your own pace and convenience.

Am I suitable for the course?

If you're over 19 and don't have a GCSE at grade C (or equivalent) in maths, this is for you. It caters to a wide range of learners, regardless of their current skill level in numeracy.

How will it help me?

Multiply will help you across all areas of your work and life:

  • You'll be able to do everyday tasks such as budgeting, managing personal finances, engaging in DIY projects, cooking, and helping children with their homework much better
  • You'll be more effective at work, as maths skills contribute to better job performance.
  • Boost your wages - people with good maths skills are also more likely to access job opportunities that lead to higher earnings or prepare you future study. 

Is Multiply Physical, Remote, or Distance Learning?

You can choose the learning format that suits you best, whether it's attending classes physically, participating remotely through virtual platforms, or engaging in distance learning at your own location. Multiply offers flexible learning options, including classroom-based instruction, online courses, and short courses.  

How much is the course?

It's completely free of charge. It is fully funded by the government, meaning you can access the course without any financial burden.

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