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3 ways to change your career

A career change – woah. It’s a rather big decision. The thought alone can be rather scary. Maybe it is something you have been considering for a while. Most of us enjoy our comfort zone. Especially when we have been in the same workplace for several years. You know how everything works like the back of your hand.

Sometimes though, you can feel like you are going through the motions at work and need a new career path to stimulate you again. Many people have felt this way, but are nervous to try and seek it out, feeling their time for make progress has passed. The good news is this isn’t the case. But how do we get to the point where we feel ready to start something new in our lives? Let’s consider three ways:

1) Browse your options

A good start is to look at what is out there for you. Maybe there is a job you’ve always been interested in. Or you want a complete change of direction and a new challenge. There are plenty of courses you can take part in to start your journey to these roles. One place you can find some are on our course finder. But what if I can’t afford a course? Don’t worry, our courses are funded to support you and your learning.

One of our adult learners, Asha Kaur decided she wanted to step into a HR career despite not having stepped into a classroom for 30 years. She found a funded course at Coventry College and said ‘I should have started this learning journey earlier.’ You may also worry about fitting a course in amongst a busy schedule. These courses can cater to you and work around your other responsibilities.

Another adult learner, Georgina, was a science teacher in a secondary school. She decided to take a career change and attended a data science bootcamp. Following the bootcamp, she became a temporary bootcamp trainer and said: “I fell in love with teaching all over again.” She is now an AI bootcamp trainer. “It’s amazing and exciting,” she said. 

2) Understand why you want to change your career

Work out the main reasons you feel a career change is right for you. What are your motivations for it? As we said before, this is not a light decision, so it’s helpful to know why you want to do it. This will make the process clearer for you.

Asha found her ‘whys’ – “it was time to challenge myself” and “have a better life”. Asha always wanted a HR role because she’s “always believed in helping people.” You can discover your whys too!

3) Find out what your new career is really like

Now you’ve looked at courses available and thought over why you’d like a new start, maybe now it is time to find out what a day is like in your chosen career. Do you know someone in that line of work, who could fill you in on an average day for them? That will give you a better taste of what is in store. You can also find out more on social media or through a quick Google.

These are just three ways to take that next step. You can find more inspiration by signing up to our newsletter below. A well-planned move can turn out to be very rewarding. Remember, the world is your oyster!

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