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Employer Services

We invest over £150 million a year to provide skills and training in the West Midlands to help you source and upskill the very best talent. Using our devolved funding powers, we link them with key employers in the region through recruitment and training initiatives. Our aim is to upskill existing employees to support competitiveness and meet regional economic demand.

We provide flexible training routes to help employers in the region source and upskill the region's best talent. To ensure our support adequately addresses sector needs and workforce challenges, we collaborate with industry bodies, employer representative groups, DWP, colleges, training providers, and universities.

Workforce Recruitment

Are you finding it difficult to recruit the right staff with the right skills?

We offer Sector Based Work Academies, Sector Gateways, and Bootcamps that cater specifically to various sectors. These programs provide a range of Pre-Employment pathways to various job roles, all co-designed with employers to ensure a clear link to the job role for each candidate. The training that Pre-Employment candidates receive includes not only occupational skills but also interpersonal skills like communication and teamwork, which are essential for securing employment.

Workforce Development

Why should you upskill and retrain your current workforce?

The WMCA is committed to increasing Level 3+ attainment throughout our region. By developing the skills of our local workforce, we can enhance themes like client engagement, digital technology, and transitioning to net zero.

Workforce Transition

How can leadership and management training courses benefit you?

These courses cover skills like assertive communication, motivation, and coaching.

Our WMCA network provides both CMI and LMI Qualifications which are designed to equip learners with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers.

Workforce Apprenticeships

Are you looking to take on an apprentice but don’t know where to start?

Apprenticeships are a great way to bring new skills into your business with support from the government. They're suitable for people at any level, so you can hire someone new or upskill an existing employee.

To be eligible, an apprentice must:

  • be 16 or over
  • not currently in full-time education
  • living in England.

Workforce Support

Do you know how you can provide assistance to your staff?

When employees feel valued and supported, they tend to be more satisfied with their tasks and duties. This leads to a happier and more positive work environment, where employees come to work feeling fulfilled. Our Thrive at Work and Thrive into Work Programmes provide further help, support and guidance for employers on a whole range of topics related to this. Please see Thrive at Work for more information.

Employer Case Studies

Find out how to improve your recruitment and retention with upskilling

Our Employer Services Team is available to guide and support you through our funded workforce solutions.

For any further information on our offers, please contact us below:

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