3 ways to convince your parents to let you do an apprenticeship

You may have already chosen the option to do an apprenticeship instead of going to university, however, there is the possibility your parents may not agree with your decision. Disagreements can be frustrating, especially if you are one hundred percent certain on the path you have chosen.
If your parents are not supportive of your decision, here are 3 ways to convince your parents to let you do an apprenticeship.
1. Educate your parents about apprenticeships
There may be various reasons why your parents are against your decision of doing an apprenticeship. One reason may be that they may not fully understand what an apprenticeship entails, or they may not know the benefits of doing an apprenticeship. Try and gather as much resources as possible which not only educate your parents on apprenticeships but also justify your reasons on why you want to choose that path. There are plenty of videos and blogs online which can aid you in this.
2. Debunk any myths about apprenticeships
There are a lot of myths surrounding apprenticeships, most of which present apprenticeships in a negative light. Examples include:
- 'Apprentices are used as cheap labour'
- 'Apprenticeships are badly paid'
- 'Most apprenticeships are in manual or trade jobs'
- 'There is limited progression with apprenticeships'
If your parents believe any of these myths, you need to reassure them that they are false. Apprenticeships have evolved over the years, especially in large companies, to ensure that both the work and learning aspect of the apprenticeship is up to a high standard. Apprenticeships can really be a great catalyst for your future.
3. Provide case studies of successful apprentices
There are a multitude of successful apprentices who showcase their daily life and all the achievements they have accomplished while being an apprentice. They have won awards, and also have been commended for the outstanding work they do, inside and outside of the work place. By showing your parents these cases, it disproves any argument that apprentices cannot be successful.
If you're interested in apprenticeships, click here to begin applying: