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Christopher Bruce

Learning for Work Award

Having been a carer and out of the labour market for a long time, Christopher was lacking in confidence to move back into employment. However, as a result of a Sector-Based Work Programme (SWAP), he is now a tram driver for the West Midlands Metro full-time and is feeling more positive about the future.

"I started looking for work in March 2023. After being a long-term carer for a parent who passed away in 2019 and then for my children during the Covid lockdowns, my employment skills were outdated. This hit my confidence and I couldn’t see a way forward where I would be in work.

"I was told about the Midlands Metro SWAP and decided to do it. While on the course I learnt about customer service skills, health and safety, and how to work as a team. Knowing that I was guaranteed an interview helped me stay motivated and the mock interview enabled me to perform well in my actual interview. As a result, I was offered the opportunity to be a tram driver. Six-year-old me was running around the room screaming!

"Being successful with West Midlands Metro has opened a door for me and I have felt supported at every step. I know this doesn’t have to be the end of my career path."

Ruth Trethewey, Curriculum Manager at Dudley College of Technology, said: "When Christopher joined the programme, you could see that he was lacking in confidence. He worked hard to overcome his anxiety and started to believe that he may be able to achieve his goal to become a tram driver. The effort he has put into his training had paid off. He now looks forward to his future development with West Midlands Metro."