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Laura Nyahuye

Laura Nyahuye is a Zimbabwean born artist, Founder/Creative Director at MAOKWO.

MAOKWO is an arts organisation supporting marginalised groups, refugees, asylum seekers and migrants artists, engaging communities using Art as a Vehicle. Story of Maokwo — Maokwo

Laura is a creative visionary. A curator, creative writer, storyteller, performer, speaker… Her work addresses social issues, such as marginalization, representation in the arts and communities in general. Tokenism and tick box exercises are real life issues, affecting communities daily. Women’s issues, hostile environments, migration, inclusion/exclusion, discrimination, power imbalance are themes you will find woven in Laura’s work. Questions like ‘what does the future look like for the next generation, minoritized groups and migrants’ are at the core of what Laura, creatively responds to.

Her work challenges perceptions and provokes human beings’ habitual thoughts patterns, concerning fellow humans. As a visionary, Laura believes the concept of Mushandirapamwe: Shona word translated - working together as one.

Laura’s work is driven by the conviction that Art/Creativity is a tool that can help us, see past Race, Class, Age and create a better NOW, a better FUTURE…

#allhuman #fromthegroundup #hopeinthearts #forthenextgeneration

Website: Laura Nyahuye


“I have no desire to fit in”

Laura Nyahuye