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Kingston Myles

Kingston Myles

Passionate about the opportunity to integrate culture with commerce, Kingston will bring an enterprising mindset and drive to the cultural leaders board backed up by real world experience. 

Kingston Myles is the Director of Enterprise and Innovation at Birmingham Museums Trust (BMT).

BMT is a cultural linchpin in Birmingham and cares for and operates 9 properties including Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery & Thinktank Museum. BMT is working tirelessly to become a trust of hope, solidarity and social purpose and its future strategies will see it work closely with the people of Birmingham to bring to life it's stories and collection of over 1 million objects.

Kingston is responsible for BMT's end to end visitor experience including the trusts overall brand alongside their trading businesses which underpin their operation. Kingston also holds a position as trustee and director for the Association of Cultural Enterprises - an Arts Council Funded Investment Principles Supporting Organisation (IPSO) with a remit of broadening commerce and enterprise in the cultural sector nationally.