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Message for WMCA Suppliers

Covid-19: Important Information For Suppliers

Following the restrictions on movement announced by UK Government during March 2020 and the associated impacts for business, all WMCA suppliers should note that WMCA continue to do everything possible to ensure prompt payment of invoices.


Things WMCA are doing to help you:

  • We have increased the number of people in our Accounts Payable team by diverting resources to this critical area;
  • We have reduced payment terms from ‘30 Days’ to ‘Zero Days’ with immediate effect. This means that as soon as your invoice has been matched against a Purchase Order and Goods Receipted, it will be scheduled for payment;
  • We continue to operate two BACS runs per week to clear down those payments which are due;
  • We are making a conscious effort to clear all out-standing invoices as soon as possible, even if there are minor outstanding clarifications;
  • We are encouraging all sponsors throughout WMCA to Goods Receipt promptly and proactively.


Things you can do to help us to help you:

  • Do not send hard copy invoices in the post;
  • Always ensure every invoice you submit quotes a valid Purchase Order Number;


Best wishes,

The WMCA Accounts Payable Team.