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Gold Level - Theme 3: Healthy Lifestyles

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Gold Level - Theme 3: Healthy Lifestyles

Gold Level - Theme 3: Healthy Lifestyles

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What you need to do

All open areas belonging to the organisation are smoke free and steps are taken to prevent smoking.


Why this is important for you

Smoke-free environments not only protect non-smokers, but also help smokers who want to quit - as well as former smokers who have already stopped - to successfully stop long term. Complete workplace smoking bans implemented in several industrialised nations are estimated to have reduced tobacco consumption by an average of 29%, which leads to organisational benefits like improved productivity and motivation and decreased absenteeism and employee benefits in improved health and wellbeing. (World Health Organisation, 2009).


How you can achieve this

Ensure that your smoke-free workplace policy has a section explaining that smoking is prohibited in open areas belonging to the organisation and outlining the rules and consequences to staff if found smoking. All outdoor areas belonging to the organisation should be clearly signposted as smoke free and any existing smoking shelters or designated smoking areas should be removed (where the organisation has the legal right to do so).


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Copy of smoke free policy which includes a section that smoking is prohibited in open areas belonging to the organisation.
  • All outdoor areas are clearly signposted smoke free.


Toolkit – National Resources


The NHS have resources and support online:

Smokefree National Helpline: 0300 123 1044

NHS ‘Stoptober’ campaign

NHS smokefree support resources

NHS Stop Smoking resources


British Heart Foundation provides the following resources for employers:

Quit smoking booklet



A booklet on how to quit as a team

The benefits of stop smoking


Other organisations providing support on how to stop smoking can be found on the Public Health England website.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

ACAS has a wide range of resources available on their website such as mental health in the workplace, promoting mental health in the workplace, managing staff experiencing mental ill health, training available, free e-learning on mental health awareness for employers, alcohol and drugs and general good practice at work.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.

Quit 4 Good provide information and support on how to quit smoking.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit - Regional resources


Rise provides support and guidance to young people, parents and carers and professionals within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.


What you need to do

The smoke-free workplace policy prohibits the use of e-cigarettes in the building and workplace grounds.


Why this is important for you

While there is evidence that supports the use of e-cigarettes in terms of aiding smokers to quit, having a smoke-free policy that also prohibits the use of e-cigarettes is beneficial to the workplace because:

  • The vapour from e-cigarettes might be annoying to some employees and could potentially provide a health risk for others through passive consumption (like passive smoking) as the long term health effects of e-cigarettes are unknown.
  • Some e-cigarettes look very similar to real cigarettes so employees or
    customers may think that real cigarettes are being smoked in the workplace, which may cause confusion about the smoke-free workplace policy.
  • If e-cigarettes are permitted, it may cause discontent among employees, who may argue that real cigarettes should be allowed too.

People who work in environments with smoke-free policies are nearly twice as likely to quit smoking as those in worksites without such policies and employees who do not smoke are less likely to be absent due to improved health and more likely to be productive, meaning that the organisation will benefit from having a smoke-free workplace policy (World Health Organisation, 2009).


How you can achieve this

Ensure that your smoke-free workplace policy has a section explaining the use of e-cigarettes is prohibited in open areas belonging to the organisation and outlining the rules and consequences to staff if found vaping. All outdoor areas belonging to the organisation should be clearly signposted as smoke free, including e-cigarettes.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Copy of smoke free policy which includes a section that e-cigarettes are prohibited in open areas belonging to the organisation.
  • All outdoor areas are clearly signposted smoke free – including e-cigarettes.


Toolkit – National Resources


The NHS have resources and support online:

Smokefree National Helpline: 0300 123 1044

NHS ‘Stoptober’ campaign

NHS smokefree support resources

NHS Stop Smoking resources


British Heart Foundation provides the following resources for employers:

Quit smoking booklet



A booklet on how to quit as a team

The benefits of stop smoking


Other organisations providing support on how to stop smoking can be found on the Public Health England website.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

ACAS has a wide range of resources available on their website such as mental health in the workplace, promoting mental health in the workplace, managing staff experiencing mental ill health, training available, free e-learning on mental health awareness for employers, alcohol and drugs and general good practice at work.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.

Quit 4 Good provide information and support on how to quit smoking.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit - Regional resources


Rise provides support and guidance to young people, parents and carers and professionals within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Alcohol & Substance Use

What you need to do

Managers have been trained in how to identify and support staff who may have issues with alcohol and substance misuse, and are aware of where to obtain information or signpost employees with problems.


Why this is important for you

Managers being trained to identify and support employees who have an alcohol or/and substance addiction is crucial as good training can benefit both the organisation and employee, resulting in early intervention and support to tackle concerns sooner, before disciplinary action needs to be taken. The cost of recruiting and training a replacement for example may be greater than the cost of allowing someone time off to get expert help. Also, employers who signpost employees to support can see benefits including reduced absenteeism, presenteeism and accidents and improved employee engagement and morale (Alcohol Health Network, 2018).


How you can achieve this

Alcohol & Substance misuse could be included as part of managers’ training – with internal or external courses being made accessible. Alternatively relevant training could be included on a training matrix for managers.

This training should ensure managers have awareness of common signs of alcohol and substance misuse, as well as how to best support individuals who may have issues with alcohol and substance use. This training should also ensure that managers understand the importance of early prevention in dealing with alcohol and substance use.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Included on training matrix for managers.
  • E-learning modules.
  • Training records.
  • Attendance registers.


Toolkit - National Resources



British Heart Foundation has a guide to alcohol.

HSE provides organisations with guidance on alcohol and the workplace.

Drinkaware provides training programmes for workplaces.

Alcohol Change offer workplace consultancy services including management training and offer training events.


Substance Misuse

iHasco also provides drug and alcohol training course. 

The Health and Safety Executive agency has information for businesses on substance misuse at work.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.

Warwickshire County Council provide resources on where you can get help and support on drugs and alcohol.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit - Regional Resources


A workplace poster with information signposting to a range of health and wellbeing services is available to download from The Waiting Room. The Waiting Room website covers services across Birmingham and Solihull.

Rise provides support and guidance to young people, parents and carers and professionals within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

NCT provides pregnant women and new parents space to talk in a friendly non-judgmental environment and gain support from the group or in one to ones across Coventry and Warwickshire.

What you need to do

Employees have access to alcohol awareness training and it has been taken up by a majority of employees.


Why this is important for you

It is estimated that alcohol misuse costs the economy £964 million in terms of absenteeism, presenteeism and loss of productivity. While one in four workers drink above recommended guidelines, 70% are unaware of how much they drink. Alcohol awareness training is therefore important in increasing staff knowledge about alcohol issues and improving staff practice in the workplace.


How you can achieve this

Alcohol awareness training is part of the organisations training. This could be e-learning modules. CPD (Continuing Professional Development) accredited & RoSPA approved Drug and Alcohol Awareness training (eLearning). This will help you towards compliance with current legislation.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Included in training for managers.
  • E-learning modules.
  • Training records showing the majority of staff have been trained.
  • Attendance registers.


Toolkit - National Resources



British Heart Foundation has a guide to alcohol.

HSE provides organisations with guidance on alcohol and the workplace.

Drinkaware provides training programmes for workplaces.

Alcohol Change offer workplace consultancy services including management training and offer training events.


Substance Misuse

iHasco also provides drug and alcohol training course. 

The Health and Safety Executive agency has information for businesses on substance misuse at work.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues: stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.


ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has resources for the Dudley area.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.

Warwickshire County Council provide resources on where you can get help and support on drugs and alcohol.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit - Regional resources


Rise provides support and guidance to young people, parents and carers and professionals within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Healthy Eating, Drinking & Weight

What you need to do

Health champions to proactively raise awareness of the benefits of healthy eating.


Why this is important for you

Health and wellbeing champions when given appropriate support and guidance
provide a catalyst to promoting positive change in the workplace to increase
health and wellbeing. Health champions who raise awareness of the benefits
of healthy eating will help to improve the health and wellbeing of employees as
research has shown that improving healthy eating in the workplace:

  • Increases motivation amongst employees and supports a better working atmosphere, leading to more flexibility and better communication.
  • Reduces absence levels in the workplace.
  • Increases quality of products and services, more innovation and creativity,
    and a rise in productivity.
  • Improved public image of the company, making it more attractive as an employer.


How you can achieve this

The health champion should deliver a planned programme of promotional
events, including seminars, presentations and sessions on subjects such as:

  • The benefits of healthy eating
  • How to prepare healthy food
  • The role of healthy eating in weight management


Staff should be given time to attend these sessions.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Copy of schedule of events taking place.
  • Evidence that staff have attended.
  • Promotional materials promoting events.
  • Verbal discussions with staff.


Toolkit - National Resources


NHS have information on:

Eat Well

Information on food and drink

Better Health


Action on Salt has resources on the impact salt has on your body and tips on how to reduce it in your meals.

A calendar of national health and wellbeing events is available from the NHS website. 

British Heart Foundation information on healthy eating workshops.

The British Dietetic Association has created a Thrive at Work page which includes resources that will help you fulfil this criteria and others.

Business in the Community have produced a toolkit on sleep, stress and work/life balance.

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.

Warwickshire County Council have useful resources on healthy eating which you may find useful.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit - Regional resources


Rise provides support and guidance to young people, parents and carers and professionals within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

NCT provides pregnant women and new parents space to talk in a friendly non-judgmental environment and gain support from the group or in one to ones across Coventry and Warwickshire.

What you need to do

The organisation has a nutrition/healthy eating policy.


Why this is important for you

As many workers consume at least half of their meals and snacks during working hours, this provides a good opportunity to influence healthy meals on a regular basis. Having a healthy eating policy will help to achieve this, where promoting healthy eating can contribute to:

  • Improved physical and mental health.
  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases.
  • Helping workers to get enough vitamins and minerals and boosting the immune system by eating recommended amounts of vegetables.
  • Maintaining a healthy body weight.

These in turn will improve the health and wellbeing of employees as well as reducing the risk of absence and improving motivation in the workforce.


How you can achieve this

The organisation should produce a nutrition/healthy eating plan/policy which is reviewed annually, with evidence of management support and staff engagement.

The policy should include:

  • Corporate hospitality
  • Catering provision
  • Local sourcing of food using local suppliers
  • Vending/in-house catering pricing strategy to promote healthier options
  • The organisation’s aims and commitment to healthy eating


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Copy of policy in place for nutrition/healthy eating.
  • The policy covers promotion of healthy eating by placing requirements on the canteen or suppliers to include healthy options.
  • The policy includes looking at procurement of local suppliers to provide
    food where possible.


Toolkit - National Resources


British Dietetics Association Work Ready programme and resources for employers.

NHS have information on:

Eat Well

Information on food and drink

Better Health

Action on Salt has resources on the impact salt has on your body and tips on how to reduce it in your meals.

A calendar of national health and wellbeing events is available from the NHS website.

British Heart Foundation information on healthy eating workshops.

The British Dietetic Association has created a Thrive at Work page which includes resources that will help you fulfil this criteria and others.

Business in the Community have produced a toolkit on sleep, stress and work/life balance.

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit - Regional resources


Rise provides support and guidance to young people, parents and carers and professionals within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training. They also offer an online chat.

NCT provides pregnant women and new parents space to talk in a friendly non-judgmental environment and gain support from the group or in one to ones across Coventry and Warwickshire.

What you need to do

Internal or external support is on offer for those who wish to lose weight.


Why this is important for you

Supporting employees who wish to manage their weight is an effective way for employers to tackle obesity and associated health issues and reduce costs for the business. Thames Water supported their employees by taking a business offer from a well-established weight management programme that offered employees with a BMI over 30 to 12 weeks’ free of the weight management programme. The company saw significant improvement in weight and general health and wellbeing, where employees lost an average of a stone in weight. While there was a small cost for the implementation of the programme, the days saved in sickness absence due to increased health and wellbeing significantly outweighed this cost. 


How you can achieve this

You may wish to survey staff to establish need and acceptability. Ensure that your approach is inclusive and takes into account individual health needs.

What support is offered to those wishing to lose weight? Are weight loss clubs available? Can staff have time off or work flexibly to attend weight management initiatives or other healthy weight support.

Guidance should be provided as to how much time can be taken and who to make a request to allow time to attend. Ensure privacy so staff can access support confidentially.

Is support such as coaching available for making lifestyle changes?

Health trainers can give one to one advice and support on a range of health issues, including specific support around weight management.

Counterweight offers a range of evidence-based weight loss programmes.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Evidence of support on offer for those who wish to lose weight e.g. weight loss clubs organised.
  • Verbal discussion with staff.
  • There is guidance in place to support eligibility to allow time to attend weight support/interventions.
  • There is a supportive environment and weight stigma is not tolerated.


Toolkit - National Resources


British Dietetics Association Work Ready programme and resources for employers.

NHS have information on:

Eat Well

Information on food and drink

Better Health

Action on Salt has resources on the impact salt has on your body and tips on how to reduce it in your meals.

A calendar of national health and wellbeing events is available from the NHS website. 

British Heart Foundation information on healthy eating workshops.

The British Dietetic Association has created a Thrive at Work page which includes resources that will help you fulfil this criteria and others.

Business in the Community have produced a toolkit on sleep, stress and work/life balance.

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit - Regional resources


Rise provides support and guidance to young people, parents and carers and professionals within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

NCT provides pregnant women and new parents space to talk in a friendly non-judgmental environment and gain support from the group or in one to ones across Coventry and Warwickshire.

Physical Activity

What you need to do

Encourage and support staff to participate in a minimum of 150 minutes of physical activity a week, broken down into at least 10-minute sessions.


Why this is important for you

Encouraging staff to be physically active for at least 150 minutes per week will help to improve workplace health and wellbeing. It has also been found that physical activity programmes at work reduce absenteeism by up to 20% and physically active workers take 27% fewer sick days, saving businesses money. Increased physical activity also improves sleep quality, energy and stress levels of employees as well as boosting morale and team spirit, all of which will have great impact on both the employees and the organisation.


How you can achieve this

A physical activity champion would play a key role in this. Suggestions include:

  • Providing staff with information regarding what physical activities can be done in 30 minutes
  • Guidance for staff to set up work-based sports teams
  • Arranging in-house exercise/fitness classes
  • In-house challenges like step jockey, pedometers etc
  • Discounted corporate rate gym memberships


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Evidence of guidance given to staff.
  • Evidence of interventions to encourage staff to be active – in-house challenges fitness classes arranged etc.
  • On site facilities.
  • In-house sports clubs etc.


Toolkit - National Resources


StepJockey provides information and ideas for physical activity within the workplace.

NHS suggestions to improve fitness.

NHS ‘One You’ information on physical activity.

British Heart Foundation active challenges:

Work to be active Challenge

Work stair climb Challenge

Workplace Challenge


NICE guidance on promoting physical activity in the workplace.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues: stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

BBC Sport ‘Get inspired’ website with information about many different sports and how to get involved. It also includes a search facility to find sports clubs/activities near to you.

The Activity Alliance- Organisation that supports and promotes sport for people with disabilities. Helps you find activities to suit the individual if you are disabled.

Fitter Better Sooner is library of resources developed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists to provide patients with the information they need to become fitter and better prepared for an operation. 

Benefit From Activity website – The information for this patient site has been taken from the RCGP fact sheets with the medical jargon removed. With the same evidenced information. it means information is synergistic between health professional and public.

10 Today. 10 Today is an exercise programme launched by a host of experts and led by older people, for older people. It provides a series of easy and accessible 10-minute broadcasts, which can be done almost anywhere and at any time, in a group or alone, standing up or sitting down, and which can be adapted to different fitness levels. 10 Today aims to increase physical activity amongst older people across the country, helping to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Watch the workouts.

This Girl Can is a national campaign developed by Sport England and partners to inspire women to move more and prove that judgement is a barrier which can be overcome.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists has information on exercise and mental health for young people. 

The MIND Get Set to Go programme provides tips, stories and support to help people with mental health conditions get active.



Ramblers – Find a walk or route near you tool. 

Information can be found on the website by using their urban walking route planner. 

Walking Britain – Find walks by me tool.

Walk4life - A useful walk site for the UK with a simple ordnance search map to look for walks anywhere in the UK and a useful widget device (puts their website direct on your own website). The widget can be loaded onto business websites, public companies’ websites etc. Individuals who sign up free can put their own walks on and monitor their own fitness via the website. 

Walk Unlimited -The home site of the organisation behind Walk4life and Benefit from Activity. They have several useful websites on healthy lifestyle and a site of ‘Dr maps’ with examples of maps which have been created for GP surgeries, hospitals or businesses. Why not get walking maps around your health establishment for yourself, staff and patients.

Walking for Health - England’s network of walking schemes.

Let’s Walk Cymru - Wales network of walking schemes.

Paths for All - Scotland’s network of walking schemes.

Walk NI - Northern Ireland’s network of walks and groups.

The Daily Mile  - Encourages school children to become active.



Information by ParkRun.

NHS- Find a run or race near you tool.

Couch to 5k -The starting course from sedentary through to running with a 9-week course of training podcasts.

Goodgym is a community of runners that combines getting fit with carrying out tasks for the community.



Events run by British Cycling.

Find a local bike ride or group using the Let’s Ride website.

NICE guidance on promoting physical activity in the workplace.

For a more in depth look at promoting physical activity, look at the BITC toolkit.

The Five Ways to Wellbeing app, developed by Somerset Public Health, helps people improve their well-being through everyday activities.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

Calendar of national events from the NHS website. 

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

Sustrans - The cycle charity promotes cycling as a healthier, cleaner and cheaper mode of transport. It provides advice and cycle routes available by a postcode search including National Cycle Routes which you can access.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit – Regional resources


The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine has resources on being active for all ages.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

What you need to do

Undertake a sport and physical activity survey of staff.


Why this is important for you

Conducting a physical activity survey will be an effective way for the organisation to establish the best courses of action to successfully promote and encourage physical activity in the workplace in order to reap the benefits explained above (reduce absence levels, improved energy and morale amongst employees).


How you can achieve this

This will help you to identify which staff would like further support and organised activities in the workplace, including which activities would be most popular.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Copy of results of physical activity survey undertaken.
  • Feedback actions to staff.


Toolkit - National Resources


The World Health Organisation has a Global Physical Activity Global Physical Activity Questionnaire which you can use to carry out the survey.

StepJockey provides information and ideas for physical activity within the workplace.

NHS suggestions to improve fitness.

NHS ‘One You’ information on physical activity.

British Heart Foundation active challenges:

Work to be active Challenge

Work stair climb Challenge

Workplace Challenge


NICE guidance on promoting physical activity in the workplace.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

BBC Sport ‘Get inspired’ website with information about many different sports and how to get involved. It also includes a search facility to find sports clubs/activities near to you.

The Activity Alliance- Organisation that supports and promotes sport for people with disabilities. Helps you find activities to suit the individual if you are disabled.

Fitter Better Sooner is library of resources developed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists to provide patients with the information they need to become fitter and better prepared for an operation. 

Benefit From Activity website – The information for this patient site has been taken from the RCGP fact sheets with the medical jargon removed. With the same evidenced information. it means information is synergistic between health professional and public.

10 Today. 10 Today is an exercise programme launched by a host of experts and led by older people, for older people. It provides a series of easy and accessible 10-minute broadcasts, which can be done almost anywhere and at any time, in a group or alone, standing up or sitting down, and which can be adapted to different fitness levels. 10 Today aims to increase physical activity amongst older people across the country, helping to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Watch the workouts.

This Girl Can is a national campaign developed by Sport England and partners to inspire women to move more and prove that judgement is a barrier which can be overcome.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists has information on exercise and mental health for young people 

The MIND Get Set to Go programme provides tips, stories and support to help people with mental health conditions get active.



Ramblers – Find a walk or route near you tool.

Information can be found on the website by using their urban walking route planner. 

Walking Britain – Find walks by me tool.

Walk4life - A useful walk site for the UK with a simple ordnance search map to look for walks anywhere in the UK and a useful widget device (puts their website direct on your own website). The widget can be loaded onto business websites, public companies’ websites etc. Individuals who sign up free can put their own walks on and monitor their own fitness via the website. 

Walk Unlimited -The home site of the organisation behind Walk4life and Benefit from Activity. They have several useful websites on healthy lifestyle and a site of ‘Dr maps’ with examples of maps which have been created for GP surgeries, hospitals or businesses. Why not get walking maps around your health establishment for yourself, staff and patients.

Walking for Health - England’s network of walking schemes.

Let’s Walk Cymru - Wales network of walking schemes.

Paths for All - Scotland’s network of walking schemes.

Walk NI - Northern Ireland’s network of walks and groups.

The Daily Mile  - Encourages school children to become active.



Information by ParkRun.

NHS- Find a run or race near you tool.

Couch to 5k -The starting course from sedentary through to running with a 9-week course of training podcasts.

Goodgym is a community of runners that combines getting fit with carrying out tasks for the community.



Events run by BritishCycling.

Find a local bike ride or group using the Let’s Ride website.

NICE guidance on promoting physical activity in the workplace.

For a more in depth look at promoting physical activity, look at the BITC toolkit.

The Five Ways to Wellbeing app, developed by Somerset Public Health, helps people improve their well-being through everyday activities.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

Calendar of national events from the NHS website.

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

Sustrans - The cycle charity promotes cycling as a healthier, cleaner and cheaper mode of transport. It provides advice and cycle routes available by a postcode search including National Cycle Routes which you can access.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit – Regional resources


The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine has resources on being active for all ages.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

What you need to do

Provide at least two physical activity events annually for staff, their families and/or the local community.


Why this is important for you

Organising physical activity events is a fantastic way to raise awareness and encourage physical activity. Also, involving families and local communities is a good way to raise the social value of the organisation, as well as promote physical activity.


How you can achieve this

This may include events such as a walking group, rounders’ games, sports days or sponsored walks. Ideas for events should come from the sport and physical activity survey of staff.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Evidence of physical activity events arranged for staff etc.
  • Verbal discussions with staff.


Toolkit – National Resources


StepJockey provides information and ideas for physical activity within the workplace.

NHS suggestions to improve fitness.

NHS ‘One You’ information on physical activity.

British Heart Foundation active challenges:

Work to be active Challenge

Work stair climb Challenge

Workplace Challenge


NICE guidance on promoting physical activity in the workplace.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

BBC Sport ‘Get inspired’ website with information about many different sports and how to get involved. It also includes a search facility to find sports clubs/activities near to you.

The Activity Alliance - Organisation that supports and promotes sport for people with disabilities. Helps you find activities to suit the individual if you are disabled.

Fitter Better Sooner is library of resources developed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists to provide patients with the information they need to become fitter and better prepared for an operation. 

Benefit From Activity website – The information for this patient site has been taken from the RCGP fact sheets with the medical jargon removed. With the same evidenced information. it means information is synergistic between health professional and public.

10 Today. 10 Today is an exercise programme launched by a host of experts and led by older people, for older people. It provides a series of easy and accessible 10-minute broadcasts, which can be done almost anywhere and at any time, in a group or alone, standing up or sitting down, and which can be adapted to different fitness levels. 10 Today aims to increase physical activity amongst older people across the country, helping to improve physical and mental wellbeing. Watch the workouts.

This Girl Can is a national campaign developed by Sport England and partners to inspire women to move more and prove that judgement is a barrier which can be overcome.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists has information on exercise and mental health for young people. 

The MIND Get Set to Go programme  provides tips, stories and support to help people with mental health conditions get active.



Ramblers – Find a walk or route near you tool.

information can be found on the website by using their urban walking route planner. 

Walking Britain – Find walks by me tool.

Walk4life - A useful walk site for the UK with a simple ordnance search map to look for walks anywhere in the UK and a useful widget device (puts their website direct on your own website). The widget can be loaded onto business websites, public companies’ websites etc. Individuals who sign up free can put their own walks on and monitor their own fitness via the website. 

Walk Unlimited -The home site of the organisation behind Walk4life and Benefit from Activity. They have several useful websites on healthy lifestyle and a site of ‘Dr maps’ with examples of maps which have been created for GP surgeries, hospitals or businesses. Why not get walking maps around your health establishment for yourself, staff and patients.

Walking for Health - England’s network of walking schemes.

Let’s Walk Cymru - Wales network of walking schemes.

Paths for All - Scotland’s network of walking schemes.

Walk NI - Northern Ireland’s network of walks and groups.

The Daily Mile  - Encourages school children to become active.



Information by ParkRun.

NHS- Find a run or race near you tool.

Couch to 5k -The starting course from sedentary through to running with a 9-week course of training podcasts.

Goodgym is a community of runners that combines getting fit with carrying out tasks for the community.



Events run by BritishCycling.

Find a local bike ride or group using the Let’s Ride website.

NICE guidance on promoting physical activity in the workplace.

For a more in depth look at promoting physical activity, look at the BITC toolkit.

The Five Ways to Wellbeing app, developed by Somerset Public Health, helps people improve their well-being through everyday activities.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

Calendar of national events from the NHS website. 

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.

Sustrans - The cycle charity promotes cycling as a healthier, cleaner and cheaper mode of transport. It provides advice and cycle routes available by a postcode search including National Cycle Routes which you can access.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.

Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust - Healthy Minds provides information on how to access support for depression and anxiety.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.

Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.



The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



In Dudley, support for organisations is available from the Workplace Health Team at Dudley Council, you can email them here or phone 01384 813848.

Dudley health champions is a community who help support their community in the health and wellbeing field.

Let's Get has a wide range of resources for the Dudley area on mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, alcohol and how to improve your overall wellbeing as well as get a free NHS Health Check.



Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council have a dedicated Mental Health Team who work in partnership with carers, NHS, third and independent senior organisations to ensure that a range of services are provided to help a recovery process for people with mental health needs.


Toolkit – Regional resources


The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine has resources on being active for all ages.

Active Black Country has the potential to provide guidance and support to the workplace physical activity champions, through access to information but potentially could include a forum where the champions can come together and learn from each other. 01384 471113.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

Active Travel

What you need to do

Provide at least two active travel promotional events annually for staff.


Why this is important for you

Organising annual active travel events such as ‘Cycle to Work Day’ and ‘Walk
to Work Day’ are effective ways to raise awareness and promote active travel in the workplace. Promoting active travel not only enhances the health and
wellbeing of workers, but also has environmental benefits through reduced
carbon emissions.


How you can achieve this

An active travel champion would play a key role in this.

Examples include:

  • ‘Cycle to Work Day’
  • ‘Race to Paris’
  • Bus stop selfie competitions
  • Pedometer challenges


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Evidence of active travel events arranged for staff etc.
  • Verbal discussions with staff.


Toolkit - National Resources


Network West Midlands have produced a document on ‘Helping you deliver successful travel plans’ for the West Midlands and beyond.

The below are some events you can encourage your organisation to take part in:

Clean air day on 18 June

Cycle to work day in the summer

Join in the fun with 7 days of cycling as part of bike week from 6 to 14 June

Walk to school week from 18 to 22 May 

British Heart Foundation active challenges

Sustrans workplace challenge

Bike to Work Week ran by Cycling UK


Alternatively, you may wish to view the calendar of national events from the NHS website to find a suitable event for your organisation.

You could also promote and join in cycling events in the region, such as the popular family-friendly cycling festivals HSBC Let’s Ride.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



The following web links has information on:

Young active travel



Public transport

BTN Active Travel

About Birmingham Connected Business Travel Network

BTN Public Transport



The following web links provide information on active travel and cycling in Coventry and Warwickshire.

The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council has information about road safety for residents in Dudley.



The following web links provide information on:


Cycle map from Travel Plans

Cycle map from Travelwise – Hard copies can be obtained by calling 0121 569 4889.



Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council has information on:



Public transport


Alternatively, you can email the Solihull Council, Sustainable Travel Team



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.

Bikeability provide training on cycling such as road safety.

The following web links provide information about the active travel map in Walsall including a map and public transport information.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council provides information about cycling in Wolverhampton.


Toolkit – Regional resources


The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine has resources on being active for all ages.

The information below covers Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton. Information can be found at West Midlands Network on the following:

  • Combining cycling with public transport
  • Cycle hire options, for example Brompton bike hire
  • Routes, maintenance, safety advice and cycling tips

Find out more about our community cycling clubs and latest events including free led rides and walks.

Sign up to the Cycling and Walking newsletter for the latest regional updates.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

What you need to do

Expand your flexible working policy to facilitate active travel to and from work.


Why this is important for you

Having a flexible working policy has many benefits for the employee and employer, including encouraging active travel within the workplace due to being able to commute outside of rush hour, reducing potential stress and anxieties about commuting when there is high congestion on the roads and public transport.


How you can achieve this

Variable start/end times can encourage the use of public transport and active travel methods.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Copy of flexi-time scheme.
  • Verbal discussion with staff.


Toolkit - National Resources


Network West Midlands have produced a document on ‘Helping you deliver successful travel plans’ for the West Midlands and beyond.

Active Travel England Corporate Plan 23-25 – Strategic priorities for Active Travel.


Information regarding Walking and Cycling can be found on the following websites. They all contain a search facility to find local routes, rides and activities:

Walk It



British Cycling

Cycling UK


Bikeability training providers

Living Streets

Cycle to Work Day


Public transport

Information regarding local and national public transport can be found on the  Traveline website.


ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



The following web links has information on:

Young active travel



Public transport

BTN Active Travel

About Birmingham Connected Business Travel Network

BTN Public Transport



The following web links provide information on active travel and cycling in Coventry and Warwickshire.

The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council has information about road safety for residents in Dudley.



The following web links provide information on:


Cycle map from Travel Plans

Cycle map from Travelwise – Hard copies can be obtained by calling 0121 569 4889.



Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council has information on:



Public transport


Alternatively, you can email the Solihull Council, Sustainable Travel Team



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.

Bikeability provide training on cycling such as road safety.

The following web links provide information about the active travel map in Walsall including a map and public transport information.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council provides information about cycling in Wolverhampton.


Toolkit – Regional resources


The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine has resources on being active for all ages.

The information below covers Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton. Information can be found at West Midlands Network on the following:

  • Combining cycling with public transport
  • Cycle hire options, for example Brompton bike hire
  • Routes, maintenance, safety advice and cycling tips


Find out more about our community cycling clubs and latest events including free led rides and walks.

Sign up to the Cycling and Walking newsletter for the latest regional updates.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

What you need to do

Consider ways that you can invest in facilities or schemes to promote active travel in your workplace.


Why this is important for you

Active travel has huge benefits in the workplace including improved staff motivation, health and fitness, productivity and reduces sickness absence as well as making the organisation a more attractive employer, showing an interest in the health of employees as well as being conscious of environmental issues. Therefore, investing in facilities in the workplace to encourage active travel is important in order to achieve the benefits as described above.


How you can achieve this

Examples include:

  • Providing on-site facilities such as changing rooms, showers and lockers.
  • Providing on-site cycling training.
  • Establishing a salary sacrifice scheme for bicycles.
  • Investing in pool cars or bicycles for staff use.
  • Providing sufficient cycle-parking facilities.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • On-site tour of facilities.
  • Evidence of facilities available to staff and how this is communicated and used.


Toolkit - National Resources


Network West Midlands have produced a document on ‘Helping you deliver successful travel plans’ for the West Midlands and beyond.

When communicating you may wish to take into consideration the different methods, disabilities and abilities individuals may have as outlined by the Home Office.



Information regarding Walking and Cycling can be found on the following websites. They all contain a search facility to find local routes, rides and activities:

Walk It



British Cycling

Cycling UK


Bikeability training providers

Living Streets

Cycle to Work Day


Public transport

Information regarding local and national public transport can be found on the  Traveline website.

When communicating you may wish to take into consideration the different methods, disabilities and abilities individuals may have as outlined by the Home Office.


ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



The following web links has information on:

Young active travel



Public transport

BTN Active Travel

About Birmingham Connected Business Travel Network

BTN Public Transport



The following web links provide information on active travel and cycling in Coventry and Warwickshire.

The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council has information about road safety for residents in Dudley.



The following web links provide information on:


Cycle map from Travel Plans

Cycle map from Travelwise – Hard copies can be obtained by calling 0121 569 4889.



Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council has information on:



Public transport


Alternatively, you can email the Solihull Council, Sustainable Travel Team



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.

Bikeability provide training on cycling such as road safety.

The following web links provide information about the active travel map in Walsall including a map and public transport information.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council provides information about cycling in Wolverhampton.


Toolkit – Regional resources


The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine has resources on being active for all ages.

The information below covers Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton. Information can be found at West Midlands Network on the following:

  • Combining cycling with public transport
  • Cycle hire options, for example Brompton bike hire
  • Routes, maintenance, safety advice and cycling tips

Find out more about our community cycling clubs and latest events including free led rides and walks.

Information on local cycle clubs can be found on the Network West Midlands website.

Examples of cycle parking can be found in the West Midlands Cycle Design Guidance.

Other options include looking at local bike hire for commuting and business journeys. Information on training providers, shops (maintenance/cycle hire), Brompton bike hire and local cycle clubs can be found on the Network West Midlands website.

You can also sign up to the Cycling and Walking newsletter for the latest regional updates.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.

What you need to do

Establish and resource a Bicycle Users Group (BUG) in your workplace.


Why this is important for you

Workplace Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) are usually championed by a keen cyclist and help to encourage cycling in the workplace by recommending traffic-free or quiet routes to and from work help for novice cyclists by acting as ‘bike buddies’ on their journey. They can organise rides, events, presentations for example. Workplace BUGs are an effective way to provide encouragement and find ways to make the workplace more cycle friendly and just need a little resourcing and support.


How you can achieve this

If you want to encourage more staff to commute by cycle to your workplace, or use bikes for business travel, setting up a Bicycle User Group is a step in the right direction. Establish a champion committed to cycling to lead the group and establish membership. Find out more about your workplace via a cycling survey. What’s stopping other people from cycling? Arrange regular meetings, both with relevant managers and with BUG members.

Contact whoever is responsible for cycling at your local council. Invite them to a BUG meeting. Find out if there is a local Cycling UK campaigner and/or cycle campaign group and involve them.


How you can show you have achieved this

  • Evidence of BUG group in place.
  • Minutes of meetings/actions.
  • BUG champion in place.
  • Verbal discussion with group members.
  • List of BUG members.


Toolkit - National Resources


Cycling UK advice on setting up a Bicycle User Group (BUG).

Network West Midlands have produced a document on ‘Helping you deliver successful travel plans’ for the West Midlands and beyond.

NHS One You has resources on the following issues; stress less, eat better, alcohol, smoking, physical activities and sleep.

Calendar of national events from the NHS website. 

Active working provides individuals and organisations helpful tips and resources on how to keep themselves active and engaged whilst at work.



Information regarding Walking and Cycling can be found on the following websites. They all contain a search facility to find local routes, rides and activities:

Walk It



British Cycling

Cycling UK


Bikeability training providers

Living Streets

Cycle to Work Day


Public transport

Information regarding local and national public transport can be found on the  Traveline website.

ENEI offer a range of events and training for members and non-members throughout the year.


Toolkit - Local Resources



The following web links has information on:

Young active travel



Public transport

BTN Active Travel

About Birmingham Connected Business Travel Network

BTN Public Transport



The following web links provide information on active travel and cycling in Coventry and Warwickshire.

The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

Healthy Lifestyles Coventry is a free support service to help you to lose weight, give up smoking, get more active, cut down on alcohol, improve your overall wellbeing and get a free NHS Health Check.

Best-You Coventry is a free online self-care app and website to assist you on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.



Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council has information about road safety for residents in Dudley.



The following web links provide information on:


Cycle map from Travel Plans

Cycle map from Travelwise – Hard copies can be obtained by calling 0121 569 4889.



Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council has information on:



Public transport


Alternatively, you can email the Solihull Council, Sustainable Travel Team



One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.

Bikeability provide training on cycling such as road safety.

The following web links provide information about the active travel map in Walsall including a map and public transport information.



Warwickshire Mind provide training, guidance and support including drop-in sessions. For further information you can contact them on 02477 712 288.

Warwickshire libraries has self-help Reading Well Books on Prescription (BOP). The books are available in various formats such as hardcopies, audiobooks, and e-books.

Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Equip provide support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

One thing encourages all to get a free NHS health check.



City of Wolverhampton Council provides information about cycling in Wolverhampton.


Toolkit – Regional resources


The National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine has resources on being active for all ages.

The information below covers Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton. Information can be found at West Midlands Network on the following:

  • Combining cycling with public transport
  • Cycle hire options, for example Brompton bike hire
  • Routes, maintenance, safety advice and cycling tips


Find out more about our community cycling clubs and latest events including free led rides and walks.

Sign up to the Cycling and Walking newsletter for the latest regional updates.

Mental Health Matters provides support with mental health and wellbeing, employment, housing and training within the Coventry and Warwickshire area.