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Bronze Level - Theme 1: Enablers of Health

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Bronze Level - Theme 1: Enablers of Health

Bronze Level - Theme 1: Enablers of Health

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Board Level Engagement

What you need to do

Develop a health and wellbeing policy or commitment statement for a smaller organisation. 

Toolkit - National Resources

Organisations can access the British Heart Foundation Health at Work Policy template.

St John Ambulance; A handy guide to assist with creating a wellbeing policy for any workplace Workplace Wellbeing Policy Guide

ACAS Employee communications and consultation

What you need to do 

Establish a health and wellbeing champion/steering group.

Toolkit - National Resources

Use this Thrive at Work Poster to distribute to your workforce to show you are signed up to the Thrive at Work Wellbeing Commitment.

Mind provide information on Working and Steering Groups, and Workplace Mental Health Champions

What you need to do 

Ensure you have efficient ways to consult, communicate and cascade issues to employees.

Toolkit - National Resources

ACAS provides guidance in the following areas:

ACAS guidance on communication

ACAS guidance on employee engagement

Line Manager Support

What you need to do

Promote effective people management to ensure all employees have a regular
conversation about their wellbeing with their line manager.

Train and support line managers in effective management practices.

Toolkit - National Resources

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has produced a Line Manager Competency Indicator toolThis tool allows for a self-assessment by managers on their own interpretation of how they behave.

ACAS management resources has template letters for employers and employees.

ACAS Managing people resource guide advises managers about their role and provides guidance on how to approach situations that may arise.

The Charity for Civil Servants, for you by you, has Help for managers

What you need to do

Ensure line managers take appropriate action to deal with any health or wellbeing concerns and encourage open conversations about health conditions and the support available when employees are struggling.

Toolkit - National Resources

GOV.UK Reasonable adjustments for workers with disabilities or health conditions

Mental Health at Work has an extensive range of resources on:

  • Support for line managers
  • Colleagues and staff
  • Ways to assess my organisation’s approach
  • Ideas to improve workplace culture
  • Help to develop policy and practice

The HSE has a 'Talking Toolkit' to help prevent work related stress  

CIPD provides guidance for employers and line managers on how to manage drug and alcohol misuse at work and how to manage and support employees, including advice on policy, training and links to further resources.

NHS England have created guidance for their managers on Wellbeing Conversations, which includes some really useful tips and resources.

What you need to do
Ensure line managers are equipped to manage flexible and innovative ways of working so that work-life balance is part of your organisation’s culture.

Toolkit - National Resources

ACAS provides guidance in the following areas:

Flexible working guidance

ACAS management resources


Macmillan has a guide for employers on how to support staff with chronic conditions such as cancer.

What you need to do
Ensure line managers are able to manage staff sickness and return to work effectively.

Toolkit - National Resources

ACAS has guidance on managing staffabsence and returning to work.

Health & Wellbeing Lead

What you need to do

Empower the health and wellbeing champion/steering group to work effectively in the organisation and influence health and wellbeing priorities.

Toolkit - National Resources

Small businesses can download a document from the Federation of Small Businesses on how to improve employee wellbeing.



What you need to do

Support and implement activities for four health and wellbeing campaigns annually. (At least two of these should be justified by the analysis of data collected as part of your HNA/action plan)

Toolkit - National Resources

Information on campaigns/national awareness events can be found on the following sites:

Public Health England (PHE)

Calendar of NHS national  

Cervical Screening Campaign

2024 UK Awareness Days Calendar for HR professionals

Toolkit - Local Resources


Birmingham City Council has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham.


The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.


Healthy Sandwell is a one-stop shop for a range of health and wellbeing services. You can also contact Healthy Sandwell by phone 0800 011 4656 or 0121 569 5100.


One You Walsall is a healthy lifestyle service dedicated to improving health and wellbeing in Walsall which you can access via 01922 444 044.


Warwickshire County Council provides guidance on mental health and wellbeing, healthy lifestyles, school health and wellbeing, drug and alcohol support services and how to keep yourself healthy.

Fitter Futures provide free 12-week programmes on weight management, physical activities and healthy lifestyles from the ages of 12 to adulthood.

What you need to do
Ensure that all staff are equally able to take part in health and wellbeing activities.

Toolkit - National Resources

When communicating you may wish to take into consideration the different methods, disabilities and abilities individuals may have as outlined by the Home Office.

Charity Comms has published guidance on accessible inclusive communication.

CIPD have put together a page on building effective employee communication strategy

The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) have a Health and Wellbeing Communications Guide

Policies & Procedures

What you need to do
Ensure all staff know where to access policies/procedures and support.

CIPD have produced a factsheet on HR Policies

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) have put together information on what to include in an employee induction

ACAS have published guidance documents on staff inductions, including an induction template checklist.

What you need to do
Ensure effective policies are in place to promote a positive working environment.

Toolkit - National Resources 

ACAS provides an outline of a job induction checklist and guidance on flexible working.

The Government has released resources on whistleblowing and code of practice that employers may find useful. 

Royal Society for Public Health have an online resource, looking after your self-ie: a guide to finding your balance on and offline. The programme explores a range of topics such as; loneliness and relationships, self-image and self-esteem, sleep and online trolling and bullying.

National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at Work have a Compassion at Work Toolkit.

The Charity for Civil Servants, for you by you, has:

Wellbeing hub which you can use to manage your mental health and wellbeing

Support in the workplace

Help for managers

ACAS Hybrid working

Advice for employers on how to consider, discuss and introduce hybrid working.


What you need to do
Ensure statutory equality guidance and legislation is in place and followed by all.

Toolkit - National Resources

Government has guidance on the Equality Act 2010.

Equality and Human Rights Commission have produced a guidance for employers.


Attendance Management

What you need to do
Have a clear attendance/absence policy, which includes a statement that contact is maintained with absent employees.

Toolkit - National Resources

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has shared guidance on returning to work after long-term absence.

Healthy Working Lives have developed an attendance policy statement which includes keeping in touch.

The Stress Institute® is a center for the collection and dissemination of information on the impact of stress on health and provides stress reduction and mindfulness training. 

ACAS have a guidance page on Creating Absence Policies and Keeping in Touch During Absence

What you need to do

Documented return to work procedures are in place and return to work interviews are conducted.

Toolkit - National Resources

ACAS has a wide range of health and wellbeing resources available on their website such as:

Absence from work

What you need to do

Ensure that your organisation is able to make reasonable adjustments to work patterns and structures to encourage people with difficulties to return to/stay in work.

Toolkit - National Resources

Information on workplace adjustments can be found from Maximus (formerly Remploy)ACAS and the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has shared guidance on returning to work after long-term absence.

Macmillan has a guide for employers on how to support staff with chronic conditions such as cancer, along with a range of employer resources.

CIPD has published guidance on supporting employees with long-term health conditions

NHS Employers also provides resources and information on how to support employees with long-term health conditions

Health & Safety

What you need to do

Have a statutory Health and Safety Policy in place which is regularly reviewed and followed.

Toolkit - National Resources

HSE Writing a health and safety policy 

Small businesses can download a document from the Federation of Small Businesses on how to improve employee wellbeing.

Toolkit - Local Resources



Birmingham City Council  provides access to a health and wellbeing library. The Library offers plenty of resources and support to help an individual look after their health. The extensive range of books, CDs and DVDs covers every health and healthy lifestyles topic.

What you need to do

Provide appropriate health and safety information and training for all staff (including managers) and ensure that this is kept up to date.

Toolkit - National Resources 

ACAS Job Induction Checklist

HSE Health and safety training A brief guide


What you need to do

Establish a health and safety champion.

Toolkit - National Resources

Leading and managing for health and safety




What you need to do

A risk assessment programme has been implemented and all employees are
informed of the workplace risks that affect them and the controls in place. 

Toolkit - National Resources

HSE Managing risks and risk assessment at work

HSE Risk assessment template and examples


Social Value

What you need to do

Support local people to maximise their knowledge and skills and access employment opportunities, including those who face greater challenges to work.

Toolkit - National Resources

The following websites provide information on how to recruit locally and provide training/apprenticeship opportunities:

Employing an apprentice

Recruit an apprentice

Institute for Apprenticeships


Walking with the wounded

Better pathways

Access to Work can provide support to those who are disabled or have a physical or mental condition that makes it hard for you to do your job.

Government guidance on employing prisoners and ex-offenders.

Live and Work brings employment & training together with affordable accommodation.

Gowling WLG Corporate Responsibility in the UK

A Disability Confident guide for managers helping them recruit, retain, and foster the progression of disabled people and those with health conditions in the workplace has been published by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

Toolkit - Local Resources 


In Birmingham the Colmore BID has partnered with Sifa-Fireside to promote Homelessness Awareness Training aimed at people working within the district.

Forward thinking Birmingham provides access to resources and help for people with mental health issues in the 0-25 years age range.


Coventry City Council have an Employer Hub  that helps to provide comprehensive recruitment and training service, designed to meet the needs of employers.

The Coventry City Council website has information on support available on how to improve wellbeing in the workplace.


Dudley MBC Apprenticeship Academy provides information on apprenticeships. 


Workbox is a unique resource for people looking for work, learners, those in work, trainers and business owners.

Toolkit - Regional Resources 

Thrive Into Work is a programme that covers parts of the West Midlands and provides employment support for people with a health condition and/or disability. This programme supports them into work and then for up to 12 months once they are in employment.

Active Black Country is working in partnership with the Royal Foundation Coach offering employers apprenticeship programme to help young people (16-24 years old).

What you need to do

Efficient use of resources by minimising waste and increasing recycling.

Toolkit - National Resources

The following websites provide information on how to minimise waste and increase recycling.

Zero Waste Week resources here.

Toolkit - Local Resources 


Birmingham City Council provides information on the benefits of recycling. 

What you need to do

Support local charities and community organisations.

Toolkit - National Resources 

The Charity Commission  provides a search facility to help you find a charity or ‘Not for profit’ organisation by location or sector.

Further information about volunteering is available on Volunteering Matters site.

P3 Volunteers provides guidance and opportunities on volunteering.

Do-It is a national database of volunteering.

Do-It also runs Trustee Finder a resource for recruiting to voluntary boards.

Toolkit - Local Resources


Reach Out Network operated by faith groups provide volunteering opportunities.

Birmingham City Council  has resources and signposting information on for Health & Wellbeing in Birmingham. 


Hope Coventry provides volunteering opportunities.


Many Voluntary Service Councils maintain lists, such as Dudley Council for Voluntary Services.


volunteering services visit 

The Dorothy Parkes Centre

Toolkit – Regional Resources

The Mayor's Mentors giving young people a second chance through support and guidance.