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Funding Support

These are challenging times for the voluntary sector - but help is out there! Here registered charities and faith groups can find advice about finance as well as links to funding organisations who can help.

Funding Organisations

Covid-19 Funders

The Covid-19 Funders website features a list of charitable foundations that have come together to make funding available.

NCVO's Funding Central

There are a number of organisations which offer comparison services for funding, such as NCVO's Funding Central. These services help charities to match with funders. Funding Central is free for smaller organisations.

Social Media

Keep an eye on social media. Organisations such as @NCVO and The Small Charities Coalition @sccoalition share information on Twitter when new sources of funding become available.

The National Emergencies Trust

The National Emergencies Trust is coordinating donations of money and distributing it via the Community Foundation Network.

The Heart of England Community Fund is the local branch covering the West Midlands area.

The National Lottery Community Fund

The National Lottery Community Fund has brought forward £3.5m of its own money to respond to the current need. They offer grants to charities of up to £10k and there is only a short application process. The Government is also making a further £370m available through this fund.

WM Funders Network

The WM Funders Network shares information and best practice to improve the overall impact of funding in the West Midlands, and are forging connections between charities and funders.

Fundraising Advice

It is important to actively ask for donations, and to keep your messages simple and concrete.

Advertise how people can help and why you are asking people to give: explain what their gifts are helping you to do.

If you have a pre-existing relationship with a funder, speak to them. Tell them about the challenges you are facing, and you will often find they want to have a conversation.

You can apply to more than one fundraising organisation for a grant, but it is best to focus on one at a time. You can only receive funding from one provider.

Remember: the public want to give money to causes they believe in and where they see a need. The Community Support Hub is testament to how generous our the people of the West Midlands have been throughout this crisis!

Grassroots Fundraising

While regular donation streams have dried up, there are many other practical ways that charity groups and places of worship can raise funds.

Online Giving

Make sure your donors can give online. This could include an online giving page, a Donate Now button, a QR code and providing assistance with setting up standing orders and direct debits. 

There are many online giving providers out there, and you need to choose one that suits your situation and your needs, taking into account costs (transaction fees, set up fees), how easy it is to use, whether it has a gift aid function, etc. You’ll need your Registered Charity Number, your HMRC GiftAid number and details of key personnel.

The Church of England have created a Digital Giving page with guides and resources for setting up online giving platforms.  Many online website platforms have also created their own user guides to help you get set up.

Donation Pots

There are also fundraising options for people who may not be so tech savvy. You can encourage people to keep a little pot for weekly giving which can be donated when their place of worship or charity building is open again.