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Kings Heath station

Kings Heath Station 2

Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and the West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE), working with rail industry partners including Network Rail and West Midlands Trains, are leading the development of three new stations to get passenger services resumed on the Camp Hill Line calling at Moseley Village, Kings Heath and Pineapple Road stations.

Passenger services have been closed on the Camp Hill line since the Second World War. But we are currently developing plans to reopening Kings Heath station. We are also building two other stations along the old Camp Hill line: Moseley Village and Pineapple Road.

Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) and the West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE) are working with rail industry partners including Network Rail and West Midlands Trains, to lead the development of these three new stations.

The stations represent a significant investment in the local area and will offer better transport choice into central Birmingham, as well as easing road congestion. These new stations will provide regular train services into Birmingham New Street, with quick journey times.

The station will be located on the site of its historic counterpart, accessed from land adjacent to Kings Heath High Street.

A contractor has now been appointed and we aim to start construction in November, marking significant progress on the project to reopen the Camp Hill line to passenger services.

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