Half-price travel for Young People

All 16 to 18-year-olds who live in the metropolitan region, whether they are at school or college, in work, on a training course or an apprenticeship are now eligible for half-price travel.
The scheme was launched by the Mayor in 2017 and has now been extended after overwhelmingly positive feedback. We are proud that in 2019, 58,500 young people – nearly 4,000 of whom were apprentices – took up the travel cards. This is an increase of nearly 20,000 on the total for 2018, demonstrating the popularity of this scheme and helping to increase the use of more sustainable travel across the region.
To get the ticket discount, young people will be asked to prove their date of birth and that they live in the metropolitan West Midlands. They will then be issued with a photocard that can be used to buy tickets from the child range, which are half the price of adult tickets.
For more details and to apply for a card, visit networkwm.com/16-18