Change into Action in Solihull

Change into Action is an Alternative Giving Scheme being piloted across Solihull, supporting specialist organisations and outreach services working to change the circumstances of rough sleepers and those at risk of becoming rough sleepers. All donations are processed through the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) bank and held by Solihull Churches Action on Homelessness (SCAH) before being assigned.*
Change into Action is an Alternative Giving Scheme supporting local specialist charities and street teams to change the circumstances of rough sleepers.
Change into Action was launched in November 2017 in Birmingham city centre and was rolled out in Solihull in June 2018. It will shortly be launching in Coventry.
A donation to Change into Action will help to change the way in which we help the homeless.
*(See the funding guidelines document for further details about this process and how to apply for money).