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Executive Summary of Annual Economic Review

West Midlands success 2016

Economic Impact
Direction of Travel
Scale of challenge
Actions to address

GVA continues to rise - currently £87.5bn +£7bn since 2013

WMCA GVA per head still £4,000 lower than UK resulting in a £16.5bn GVA output gap

£8bn investment package from first devolution deal

HS2 and the Midlands Growth Strategy – a catalyst for economic growth

WMCA has a growing business base with 145,410 businesses and 22,430 business births (nearly double UK growth rate)

To be in line with UK the WMCA needs to create an additional 1,468 business births per annum to reach 59 births per 10,000 population.

Maximising opportunities for inward investment by improving connectivity to HS2 and UK Central and attract foreign and direct investment via the WMCA new Growth Company

WMCA is home to 2m jobs, an increase of

95,000 since 2013.

An additional 400,000 jobs to achieve our

WMCA SEP Ambitions

Enterprise Zones

Wages are increasing at a faster rate than UK

To reach UK average wage - £28,213

Public Service Reform

Over 12,000 new homes were built last year - currently 1.7m houses in the WMCA

Home to over 1.9m homes by 2030

Land Commission and Garden City Principles

Social Impact
Direction of Travel
Scale of challenge
Actions to address

Number of people with no qualifications has declined at a faster rate compared to England

Higher proportion of people with no qualifications than across England – 13% vs 8%

Productivity and Skills Commission Launched

The number of NEETs has declined more than threefold compared to England2

11.4% more youth claimants (14,805) compared to last year increase of 1.6% across England. Need to reduce youth claimants by 5,000 by 2030 to reach England average, similar trend for overall claimant count.

Employment Support Pilot

24.8% of adults are physically inactive across the WMCA

Required 90,524 additional adults to become active to reach national average

West Midlands on the Move Strategic Framework 2017-30

Healthy Life Expectancy has improved for

females greater than the national average whilst for males it has declined

Male healthy life expectancy 4.1 years lower than

national average and 3.2 for females

Mental Health Commission -> Thrive WM Action plan in place

Fiscal Impact
Direction of Travel
Scale of challenge
Actions to address

Income receipts to WMCA is on the rise

Gap between income and expenditure has increased from £3.9bn to £4.5bn

Public Service Reform

Environmental Impact
Direction of Travel
Scale of challenge
Actions to address

CO2 emissions reduced on last year by 167kt CO2 (0.8%)

CO2 emissions need to reduce by 36% by 2030

Support development of low carbon and zero carbon homes