The WMCA Performance Management Framework
Measures of Success
- O1. GVA per Head
Where are we now
- £21,537
Change over the last year
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- +£1,400
- +7.0% WMCA2
- +5.8% UK
Scale of the Challenge
- +£4,064 GVA per head
Measures of Success
- B1. GVA per employee
- B2. GVA in transformational sectors
- B3. No. of Business Births
- B4. Jobs in Transformational Sectors
- B5. Total Jobs
- B6. Employment Rate
Where are we now
- B1. £43,706
- B2. £71.3bn
- B3.22,430 business births
- B3. 55 per 10,000 population
- B4. 1.27m
- B5. 2m
- B6. 68.8%
Change over the last year
- B1. +£28
- B2. +£2.4bn
- B3. +3,485 business births
- B3. +18.4% WMCA +9.3% UK
- B4. +55,000 jobs
- B5. +54,200 jobs
- B6. +0.4pp
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- B1. +£2,781
- B1. +6.8% WMCA
- B1. +2.4% UK
- B2. +£6.2bn
- B2. +9.6% WMCA
- B2. +7.4% UK
- B3. +3,625 business births
- B3. +19.3% WMCA
- B3. +10.6% UK
- B4. +82,000 jobs
- B4. +6.9% WMCA
- B4. +5.9% UK
- B5. +95,000 Jobs
- B5. +5.0% WMCA
- B5. +4.9% UK
- B6. +1.5pp WMCA
- B6. +2.7pp UK
Scale of the Challenge
- B1. +£19,832 GVA per employee
- B2. +£40.7bn GVA
- B3. 59 per 10,000 population
- B3. +1,468 births per annum
- B4. +194,400 jobs
- B5. +400,000 Jobs
- B6. 73.9%
- B6. +5.1pp
Measures of Success
- F1. Income & Exp. Balance
Where are we now
Change over the last year
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- +£0.6bn3
- +15.4%
Scale of the Challenge
- No fiscal gap
- +£4.5bn
Measures of Success
- P1. Reduce % of people in top 10% most deprived areas
- P2. Better employment, health and wider outcomes for people with complex needs
- P3. (i) Annual average earnings
- P4. % of employees earning above UK living wage
Where are we now
- P1. 20%
P3. £27,151
Change over the last year
- P1. +0.02pp
P3. +5.1%
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- P1. +0.09pp WMCA
- P1. + 0.05pp Eng.
- P3. +4.9% WMCA
- P3. +4.5% UK
Scale of the Challenge
- P1. 10% of people
P3. +£1,062
Measures of Success
- S1. % of Working Age Population (WAP) with No Qualifications
- S2. % of WAP with NVQ 1
- S3. % of WAP with NVQ 2
- S4. % of WAP with NVQ 3
- S5. % of WAP with NVQ 4+
- S6. No. of Apprenticeships starts
- S7. % of schools with an above national average GCSE pass rate A*-C including Maths and English
- S8. NEETs aged 16 - 18
Where are we now
- S1. 13%
- S1. 329,400 people
- S2. 12 %
- S2. 302,600 people
- S3. 16.8%
- S3.423,300 people
- S4. 16.3%
- S4. 410,400 people
- S5. 30.4%
- S5. 774,300 people
- S6. 42,040
- S7. 46%
- S8. 4,420
- S8. 4.4%
Change over the last year
- S1. -1.5 pp
- S1. -36,200 people
- S2. +0.1 pp
- S2.+ 3,700 people
- S3.+ 0.2 pp
- S3.+ 5,200 people
- S4. - 0.3pp
- S4. - 8,700 people
- S5. + 0.03pp
- S5. + 7,700 people
- S6. - 1,190 - 2.8%
- S7. 48.5%
- S7. -2.5pp WM Met
- S8. -1,450 -24.7%
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- S1. -33,800 people
- S1. -1.6 pp WMCA
- S1. -1.3pp UK
- S2.-9,200 people
- S2. -0.5 pp WMCA
- S2. -0.9pp UK
- S3. - 7,300 people
- S3. - 0.5 pp WMCA
- S3. +0.9pp UK
- S4. - 25,600 people
- S4. -1.2 pp WMCA
- S4. +0.1pp UK
- S5. +86,500 people
- S5. +2.8 pp WMCA
- S5. +3.1 pp UK
- S6. + 6,030
- S6. +16.7% WMCA
- S6. +15.9% Eng.
- S7. 52.6%
- S7. -6.6pp WM Met
- S7. -4.1pp Eng.
- S8. -1,950
- S8. -30.5% WMCA
- S8. -19.9% Eng.
Scale of the Challenge
- S1. - 4.7 pp
- S1. - 119,867 people
- S2. Ahead of UK
- S2. + 1 pp
- S2. + 24,905 people
- S3. Ahead of UK
- S3. + 0.9 pp
- S3. +21,905 people
- S4. + 0.8 pp
- S4. +21,290 people
- S5. +7.6 pp
- S5. +185,010 people
- S6. +42,219 per annum
- S7. + 7.5% schools
- S8. 4.2%
- S8. -228 NEETs
Measures of Success
- H1. Healthy Life Expectancy (HLE) at Births – Males & Females
- H2. Reduced Inequality in HLE for Males & Females
- H3. Health inequality gap by years between best and worse areas in LEP and SEP areas
- H4. Gap in employment rate for those in contact with secondary mental health services and the overall employment rate
- H5. Rates of suicide (per 100,000)
- H6. % of physically inactive adults
- H7. Offending rates
Where are we now
- H1. Males (M) = 59.3 years
- H1. Females (F) = 60.9 years
- H3. M = 7.4 years
- H3. F = 9 years (WM Met)
- H4. 58.9 %
- H5. 10.1
- H6. 24.8%
- H7. 32,008
- H7. 7.9 offenders per 1,000 population (2014)
Change over the last year
- H1. -0.03 years
- H1. +0.5 years
- H3. M = + 1.2
- H3. F = - 0.9
- H4. -0.6pp
- H5. +0.4
- H7. -1,364
- H7. - 4.1%
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- H1. -0.6 WM Met
- H1. +0.2 Eng.
- H1. -0.3 years WM Met
- H1. +0.2 years Eng.
- H3. M = + 1.3
- H3. F = - 1.3
- H4. +1.5pp WMCA
- H4. +5pp Eng
- H5. +1.8 WMCA
- H5. +0.3 Eng.
- H7. 7,170
- H7. - 7.6%6
Scale of the Challenge
- H1. 63.4 years
- H1. 64.1 years
- H3. No gap
- H3. Reduce gap by 7.4 years for males and 9 years for females
- H4. Ahead of England + 8.3pp
- H4. (67.2%)
- H5. No suicides
- H5. - 410 suicides
- H6. 22%
- H6. + 90,524 participants
- H7. Below the national average
Measures of Success
- C1. Re-offending rates (per 100,000)
- C2. No. of first time entrants to Youth Justice System aged10-17
- C3. Youth claimants aged 18-24
- C4. Claimant Count aged 18 - 64
Where are we now
- C1. 24.9% (2014)
- C2. 454
- C3. 14,805
- C4. 67,705
Change over the last year
- C1. +0.3pp
- C2. +3.3%
- C3. +1,515
- C3. +11.4%
- C4. +5,085
- C4. +8.1%
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- C1. 0.1pp WMCA
- C1. -1.2pp Eng.
- C2. 8.2% WM Met
- C2. -17.6% Eng.
- C3. 11,240
- C3. -43.2% WMCA
- C3. -46.4% UK
- C4. -35,755
- C4. -34.6% WMCA
- C4. -37.5% UK
Scale of the Challenge
- C1. Ahead of England + 0.5pp
- C2. -85
- C2. first-time entrants
- C3. -32%
- C3. -4,781 youth claimants
- C4. 27%
- C4. - 16,957 claimants
Measures of Success
- PL1. Broadband Connectivity
- PL2. % of residents able to access 3 or more strategic centres including Birmingham City Centre, accessible by public transport within 45 mins travel time in the am peak
- PL3. Journey time reliability
- PL4. Mode Share of all Journeys:
- PL4. Mode Share of all journeys by car, public transport, cycling & walking
- PL4. Percentage of car journeys non-single occupancy
Where are we now
- PL1. 93.7%
- PL1. 1.13m premises
- PL2. 41% (WM Met)
- PL4. Car (64%)
- PL4. Public Transport (11%)
- PL4. Walk (22%)
- PL4. Cycle (1%)
- PL4.Taxi (2%)
- PL4. 82%
Change over the last year
- PL1. +2.3pp
- PL1. -1.3pp
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- PL1. +2.4pp WM Met
- PL1. +14pp UK
- PL2. -3.2pp
- PL4. Car +1%
- PL4. Public Transport -2%
- PL4. Walk No change Cycle No change Taxi +1%
Scale of the Challenge
- PL1. 100%
- PL1.+75,793 premises
- PL2. 75%
- PL2. +34pp
- PL4. 45% car mode share Car (- 19%)
Measures of Success
- IN1. No./ha available for housing developments
- IN2. No./ha available for employment development sites
- IN3. Land Uplift value
Measures of Success
- E1. CO2 emitted within SEP area by transport, businesses and homes
- E2. No. of days poor air quality per year (rated 4 or higher on the Daily Air Quality Index)
Where are we now
- E1. 21,564kt
- E1.CO2 (2014)
- E2. 40 days
Change over the last year
- E1. 167 ktCO2
- E1.0.8%
- E2. +12 days
Direction of Travel Relative to UK average since 2013
- E1. + 1.6% WMCA
- E1. -6.3% UK
- E2. - 16 days WMCA
- E2. -11 days UK
Scale of the Challenge
- E1. 7,681 ktCO2
E2. 40 days