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Supporting the global challenge by acting locally

Climate change is already happening and is a domestic, not just an international issue. We therefore need to act collectively at national and local levels if we are to avoid the worst impacts it could bring. The UK is taking steps through the Climate Change Act, setting a target to reduce UK greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 per cent by

Through partnership working and the support of our key stakeholders we can take action to support delivery of national objectives as well as taking personal responsibility of our own environmental impact.

Our environmental vision embraces this ideal.

Environmental Vision

Our vision is an ambitious one. It is for WMCA to become a leader in the field of environmental sustainability through sustainable development, use of our assets and performing at the highest levels of environmental excellence. We seek to create a culture of inspiration, innovation, action and trust, through engagement with partners, staff and other stakeholders. 

Our Environmental Strategy, Think Global: Act Local
should be understood in context with the other strategies, programmes and plans being delivered by WMCA or in partnership with other organisations. Collectively their aims support sustainability, environmental and/or the low carbon agenda.


“Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” - ‘Our Common Future: the Brundtland Report’.


External Facing Strategies

  • Movement for Growth
  • West Midlands Bus Alliance
  • Freight Strategy 
  • Smarter Network Smarter Choices Programme
  • Local Transport Plan
  • Cycling Charter



Internal Facing Strategies

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
  • Procurement Strategy
  • Staff Travel Plan
  • Asset Management
  • ISO 14001 EMS