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DfE Skills Bootcamps - KPI Measurement and Monitoring Guidance September 2022


KPIs will be monitored on an ongoing basis to assess the risk of non-achievement of the target and when the target becomes due e.g., when a Skills Bootcamp is completed, we will know at that point whether the 20% maximum drop out target has been exceeded (as this is when the target becomes due).


Employer Engagement

Monitoring Stage

On Milestone 1 and monthly




Every Skills Bootcamp should be able to evidence Employer Engagement at the Design Stage, during the Delivery Stage and Post Skills Bootcamp Stage

How this will be measured

Evidence of the below is provided via the Employer engagement tab of the Wave 3 Datasheet on a monthly basis.

Evidence containing further detail, as described below, will be maintained by providers and should be available for presentation upon request by the WMCA or DfE audit.

Point 1 - Design stage

List of employers engaged with each of the provider’s Skills Bootcamp (updated from bid stage) with role of each employer and contact details is provided. Satisfactory explanation of differences between employers cited in bids or letters of support and updated list and if some have dropped out, why and replacement employers identified to ensure sufficient interview for vacancies can be secured further on.

Evidence that 100% employers listed if contacted can vouch for at least one of the following:

Employer confirms:

  • they had a role in co-design or development of the Skills Bootcamp
  • the provider carried out a needs analysis with their business in order to develop the Skills Bootcamp and the solution proposed as a result is approved by the employer
  • the Skills Bootcamp solution developed was approved by the employer as meeting the requirements of actual vacancies they hold or expect to hold within the next 12 months or that the Skills Bootcamp meets the needs to train their own employees for a new role or new responsibilities.
  • Evidence that 100% employers listed if contacted can confirm the information provided by the supplier regarding their role and involvement in the provider’s Skills Bootcamp is correct and up to date.

*If after 3 attempts an employer cannot be reached, DfE will contact the provider to understand why the employer is not responding.

Who will monitor

WMCA Delivery Team (supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers) and DfE (where relevant).


Monitoring Stage

On milestone 1 and monthly milestone 2

How this will be measured

Point 2 – Delivery stage

Evidence that 100% of those employers listed (if contacted):

  • as having a role in delivery e.g., mentoring / coaching, delivering insights days, content, interview prep, if contacted can confirm they are providing / have provided / will be providing the agreed support.
  • as having a role in delivery or where their own employees are being trained on a Skills Bootcamp, if contacted can confirm they are overall satisfied with the Skills Bootcamp the supplier is delivering or that if the employer was not satisfied with any aspect, they are content that the provider is addressing any concerns raised.
  • as having a role in interviewing candidates if contacted can confirm they still plan to interview candidates from the provider’s Skills Bootcamp or where the Skills Bootcamp is being delivered for their own employees, they can confirm what the expected new role / responsibilities will be at the end of the Skills Bootcamp.

*If after 3 attempts an employer cannot be reached, DfE will contact the provider to understand why the employer is not responding.

Who will monitor

WMCA Delivery Team (supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers) and DfE (where relevant).


Monitoring stage

On Milestone 2 and monthly to Milestone 3

How this will be measured

Point 3 – Post Skills Bootcamp stage (leading to the positive outcome)

Evidence that 100% of those employers listed (if contacted):

  • as having a role in interviewing candidates if contacted can confirm how many candidates they have interviewed from the provider’s Skills Bootcamp and how many candidates have been offered a role.
  • if contacted can confirm they are overall satisfied with the preparation of the candidates they have interviewed or the preparation of their own employees or that if the employer was not satisfied with any aspect, they are content that the supplier is addressing any concerns raised.
  • if contacted at milestone 2 and asked their satisfaction levels with the Skills Bootcamp as to what extent it met their needs overall from 1-5, would score 3 or above.

Scoring Matrix:

5 Excellent

  • The Provider has fully met the needs of the Employer to an excellent standard, providing significant value and benefit to the Employer

4 Good

  • The Provider has met the needs of the Employer to a good standard, providing good value and benefit to the Employer

3 Satisfactory

  • The Provider has met the needs of the Employer to a satisfactory standard, providing satisfactory value and benefit to the Employer.

2 Poor

  • The Provider has failed to meet the needs of the Employer, in many ways and/or materially in one or more ways.

1 Very Poor

  • The Provider failed to meet the needs of the Employer, in a significant number of ways and/or inadequate or no supporting evidence has been provided to support the response.

0 Unacceptable

  • The Employer details are absent or incomplete and/ or the Employer is not involved in the Skills Bootcamp.

*If after 3 attempts an employer cannot be reached, DfE will contact the supplier to understand why the employer is not responding.

Who will monitor

WMCA Delivery Team (supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers) and DfE (where relevant).

Employer Co- Funding

Monitoring Stage



100% of employers that are training existing employees are making the appropriate contribution: 30% for large employers / 10% for SMEs


Where employers are training their own existing employees (directly employed), employers must co-fund the training with a cash contribution.

How this will be measured

Contract Management Plan

  • Contract Managers / Skills Delivery Officer will confirm with Providers the relevant number of learners who are being Co-funded by their employer for each Skills Bootcamp at the first formal contract monitoring meeting.
  • Providers will be required to retain evidence of payment of Co-funding from employers at the appropriate rate for payment and assurance purposes. Any irregularities identified will be investigated further.
  • Providers are responsible for claiming the correct Co-funded learner payment rate via the ESFA ILR.
Who will monitor

WMCA Delivery Team (supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers).

Learner Drop- Out

Monitoring Stage

On Milestone 1 and monthly to Milestone 2


Max 20% dropout


Dropouts are measured as learners who drop out between Milestone 1 and 2

How this will be measured

ESFA – Individualised learner record (ILR)

Learner dropout will be monitored from the data returns, Contract monitoring plan and the ILR reporting.

Dropouts must be reported via ILR as a requirement to report any changes within 1 month (even if the Skills Bootcamp has not yet finished).

The dropout rate will be measured each month for Skills Bootcamps in progress or completed to that point from Milestone 1 to assess whether the % is on track to be within the 20% maximum tolerance.

  • Providers will be measured against the KPI 20% maximum dropout target between the 1st payment milestone and the completion milestone (which includes offer of an interview for independent learners, evidence of offer of new responsibilities where a learner is staying with their current employer or an action plan for the self-employed on how the Skills Bootcamps will help them access new opportunities / contract etc).
  • For the avoidance of doubt any learner who drops out of the Skills Bootcamp training following payment of the 1st Milestone will count towards the measurement of the Dropout Key Performance Indicator. Performance against KPIs will be reviewed on a monthly basis.
  • Learner dropouts will still be recorded from date the learner starts training, from day 1 of training, but this will not be measured as part of the KPI.
Who will monitor

WMCA Delivery Team (supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers).


New skills

Monitoring Stage

On milestone 1 and monthly to milestone 2




Learners who successfully complete a Skills Bootcamp will have acquired new skills within the scope of the Skills Bootcamp attended.

How this will be measured

Milestones, Contract Management Plan and Quality Assurance visits


  • Milestone 1, Starts: DfE/WMCA expects that as part of a learner starting a course, the Provider will assess their current level of knowledge, skills, and behaviours in relation to those targeted through the Skills Bootcamp

  • Milestone 2, Completion: DfE/WMCA expects that to determine that a learner has successfully completed their Skills Bootcamp, the provider will assess whether they have gained the knowledge, skills and behaviour targeted in the Skills Bootcamp

Contract Management Plan:

  • DfE/WMCA expects that, in order to self-assess against the ‘New Skills KPI’ determine that learners have made the required progress and have acquired the skills identified for each Skills Bootcamps curriculum, every learner should have an initial and final assessment to evidence that the required learning has been achieved.

Quality Assurance visits:

  • During visits, Quality Assurance Managers/Skills Delivery Officers will review arrangements for initial and final assessments, and evidence of progress against target knowledge, skills and behaviours.
Who will monitor

Quality Assurance and Improvement Team supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers.

Guaranteed Interview for each learner on the Skills Bootcamp

Monitoring Stage

At Milestone 2




Learners who have a stated aim to have an interview on completion of a Skills Bootcamp, should be offered at least one guaranteed interview

How this will be measured

Policy position:

For independent learners or self-employed learner who wishes to have an interview (i.e., if learner has decided to move from self-employment to employment), completion Milestone 2 must include offer of an interview with a new employer.

For co-funded learners, if an interview has not / will not take place, completion Milestone 2 must include evidence from the employer describing the new role / responsibilities the learner will gain as a result of the Skills Bootcamp.

Interview must:

  • be for an actual job (which can be an Apprenticeship)
  • in the case of any learner participating in a Skills Bootcamp leading to an Accelerated Apprenticeship, be for an Accelerated Apprenticeship or another job, but not for a full- length Apprenticeship.
  • for a role which matches the skills acquired through the successful completion of the Skills Bootcamp

Evidence will be reviewed at Milestone 2. Where it is found the job interview does not meet the KPI requirement, another interview should be identified.

Who will monitor

WMCA Delivery Team (supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers).

Career Progression

Monitoring Stage

At Milestone 3




Learners should achieve one of three potential positive outcomes within 6 months of successful completion of their Skills Bootcamps

How this will be measured

Contract Management Plan

  • Independent Learners (learners with the stated aim of moving into a new job with a new or different employer) should get the offer of a new job (which can be an Apprenticeship) within 6 months of successful completion of their Skills Bootcamp, that utilises the skills acquired and in the case of any learner participating in a Skills Bootcamp leading to an Accelerated Apprenticeship, should get an Accelerated Apprenticeship or another job, but not for a full- length Apprenticeship.
  • Co-funded Learners (learners co-funded by their employer) should get the offer of a new or different role with new responsibilities with their existing employer within 6 months of successful completion of their Skills Bootcamp, that utilises the skills acquired in the Skills Bootcamp.
  • Self-employed Learners (who do not have a stated aim of wanting to move into employment) should be provided with support to develop a realistic action plan that will help them secure offers of new opportunities/contracts within 6 months of successful completion of their Skills Bootcamp, that utilises the skills acquired in the Skills Bootcamp.
Who will monitor

WMCA Delivery Team (supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers).

Referral to Alternative Opportunities

Monitoring stage

At Milestone 3


100% of those that are unsuccessful


Learners who do not successfully achieve a positive outcome from their Skills Bootcamp should be signposted to other job and training opportunities

Who will monitor

WMCA Delivery Team (supporting contract managers and Skills Delivery Officers).