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Digital Bootcamp Guidance - For the funding year 1 August 2021 - July 2022


Issue date

  • December 2021

Senior policy owner

  • Iris Both

Document owner

  • Iris Both
  • Nationally there is a widely reported skills shortage within Digital roles and capabilities. The West Midlands is seeing an increase in the requirements for a digitally enabled and skilled workforce.

  • On the back of the initial success of the bootcamps, the WMCA incorporated Digital Bootcamps into AEB through competition and provide a sustainable programme across the WMCA area.

  • Through the devolved powers that the WMCA now holds through having the responsibility of the Adult Education Budget (AEB), WMCA will support the digital capabilities of the region with the right talent, skills and qualifications to thrive in the sector.

  • WMCA’s adult offer will provide the training required for residents to both enter digital roles and develop further skills to support in-work progression to better-paid job roles.