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Adult Education Budget FUNDING RULES 2021/2022 - August 2021 - July 2022

Starting, participating and achieving

You can only claim WMCA-funded AEB when directly related to learning starts. You can only claim additional activity e.g. enrolment, induction, prior assessment, diagnostic testing or similar learning, if this was agreed as part of your Delivery Plan under Lot 3 activity for testing and innovation.

For your direct delivery, and any sub contracted delivery, you ( and where relevant, your supply chain delivery member(s)) must have a valid UKPRN, direct centre approval and where appropriate, direct qualification approval from the respective awarding organisation for the regulated qualifications you are offering. Delivery of the qualification (including resident registration with the awarding organisation) for direct delivery and any subcontracted delivery must be in line with the qualification specification and guidance set out by the relevant awarding organisation.

  1. You must have evidence that the learning took place and the resident was not certificated for prior knowledge.

  2. Where the learning is certificated, you must follow the relevant awarding organisation’s procedure for claiming the relevant certificate(s) and ensure the resident receives them. You must evidence this has happened in the resident file.