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Adult Education Budget FUNDING RULES 2021/2022 - August 2021 - July 2022

Resident File

The Resident file will continue to be submitted to the ESFA through the Hub. The resident file must contain evidence to support the funding you wish to claim from the WMCA.

You must accurately complete all ESFA ILR fields as required in the 2021 to 2022 ILR Specification, published by the ESFA, even if they are not required for funding purposes.

The ESFA ILR must accurately reflect the learning and support (where applicable) you have identified, planned and delivered to eligible WMCA residents. You must not report inaccurate information that would result in an inflated claim for funding.

Where your data does not support the funding you have claimed, WMCA will act to get this corrected and could recover funds you have claimed.

As a condition of funding, all destinations and/or progression details are a mandatory requirement for WMCA residents, this includes Community Learning. Providers must limit ‘unknown’ destination reporting. Destination and progression must be detailed in the defined fields within the ESFA ILR. All resident post codes must be accurately recorded at the start of an aim.

Self-declarations by residents: All self-declarations must confirm the resident’s details and describe what the resident is confirming for requirements set out in this document.

If a resident self-declares prior attainment, you must check this in the personal learning record (PLR) and query any contradictory information with the resident. The PLR will not necessarily override the resident’s self-declaration.

Evidence in the resident file must assure the WMCA that the resident exists.

The resident must confirm information they provide is correct when it is collected.

If the time spent in learning is short, the level of evidence in the resident file would reflect this.

Where you hold information centrally, you only need to refer to the source.

In line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), you must record what appropriate documentation you have seen, rather than take photocopies to prove eligibility.

If applicable, the resident file must confirm the following:

  • All information reported to the ESFA for WMCA residents in the ILR and the WMCA Earnings Adjustment Statement (EAS), and if it applies, the supporting evidence for the data you report for each resident
  • Your assessment and evidence of eligibility for funding and a record of what evidence the resident has provided
  • All initial basic skills and diagnostic assessments undertaken to determine a learner’s requirements
  • Information on prior learning that affects the learning or WMCA funding of any of the learning aims or programme

For ‘personalised learning programmes’, for example, learning not regulated by a qualification, full details of all the aspects of the learning to be carried out, including supporting evidence of the number of planned hours reported

A description of how you will deliver the learning and skills and how the resident will achieve their outcomes related to further progression e.g. employment, apprenticeship and/or further learning

The supporting evidence about why you have claimed funding and the level of funding for a resident, including details of any resident or employer contribution

Support needs identified, including how you will meet these needs and the evidence of that

Details of any learner or employer contribution

That learning is taking, or has taken, place and attendance/participation records are available

A resident’s self-declarations as to what state benefits they claim

A resident’s self-declarations on their status relating to gaining a job

All records and evidence of achievement of learning aims or learning programme.

This must be available within three months of you reporting it in the ESFA ILR for WMCA residents

You must keep evidence that the resident is eligible for funding. Where the resident is unemployed, this must include a record of what you have agreed with them, including the relevance of the learning to their employment prospects and the labour market needs.

Where your supply chain delivers any provision to the resident, it must clearly identify who it is.

This must match the information reported to us in the ESFA ILR for WMCA residents