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Adult Education Budget FUNDING RULES 2021/2022 - August 2021 - July 2022

Principles of funding

These funding rules apply to all residents in the WMCA area starting new learning aims on or after 1 August 2021. The WMCA will also have responsibility for continuing residents who commenced learning in 2020/2021. You must ensure you meet the cost of continuing learners within your WMCA AEB allocation.

You must hold evidence to assure us that you are using WMCA AEB funding appropriately. Most evidence will occur naturally from your normal business process, but if required by the WMCA, additional evidence should be retained. It is a condition of funding that all outcomes for WMCA residents, either directly delivered by you or your supply chain delivery members, are recorded on the ILR.

The WMCA Adult Education Budget must only be utilised to fund WMCA residents. Funding cannot be transferred between different budgets, including, where applicable, your ESFA Adult Education Budget, Apprenticeships and advanced resident loans.

The WMCA will continually review and monitor whether the education and training you provide is delivering positive and agreed outcomes as detailed and agreed by WMCA within your 2021/22 Delivery Plan. If grant providers are reaching their tolerances of their delivery plan, including legal entitlement, please ensure the WMCA is notified. Contract for Services Providers can only deliver what has been agreed within the Delivery Plan. The WMCA will also monitor your performance to ensure that funding you received from the WMCA is delivering high-quality provision for adults within the WMCA area and represents good value for money. Risk-based performance management arrangements will operate between you and the WMCA. These regular performance monitoring meetings will take place throughout the funding agreement period. The focus of the main discussion will be your progression towards meeting your Delivery Plan, but we will also discuss your plans more generally and your ideas for the future.

If the WMCA considers the delivery is not resulting in positive outcomes for adults in the WMCA area and/or the quality of provision is not to the required standard, the WMCA may (following a discussion with you) reduce your grant allocation or contract value. Equally, if you are finding it difficult to deliver your allocation or you have unmet demand, then we want you to tell us. Additional information is contained in the AEB Provider Payment & Performance Management Framework.

WMCA AEB devolved funding can only be spent on WMCA residents with a WMCA postcode and meets the conditions of funding set out in paras set out eligibility sections