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Adult Education Budget FUNDING RULES 2021/2022 - August 2021 - July 2022

Annex N - Specification: Digital Bootcamps

The West Midlands is the largest regional economy in the UK, with a labour market of national significance.

Nationally it is a widely reported there is a skills shortage within Digital roles and capabilities. The West Midlands is seeing an increase in the requirements for a digitally enabled and skilled workforce.

Digital is a key strand of the local industrial strategy for the West Midlands and crucial to future jobs and productivity. With rising automation, a changing job landscape and the job losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the digital sector will be vital to the region’s economic recovery, both lower and higher-level digital skills.

The Offer

The core focus of the Digital Bootcamps is to help unemployed, economically inactive and career change residents in the WMCA administrative area to enter digital roles beyond entry level. These bootcamps can also be used to support employed residents to gain the skills required to secure more digital responsibility or a promotion within existing employment

The WMCA have identified based upon employer demand the vacancies and skills training shortages across the region from the current contracted activity. This covers both unemployed skills training, those requiring re-skilling and employed skill development.

Skills training shortages identified for new provision;

  • Cyber
  • Data
  • AI
  • Coding
  • Digital Marketing
  • UX Design/Experience

Digital Bootcamp programmes developed so far can be accessed via the Digital Bootcamp Guidance.