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State of the Region 2020 Full Report

Key Past Trends Performance Indicators The

The following indicators are the key ones identified across the previous State of the Region reports. All the green indicators are ones where the region has improved and got nearer to the target. Orange demonstrate we are going in the right direction but not as quickly as we would like. Red indicators are areas where we have stayed the same of have not progressed towards the target.

In general like many economies which grow rapidly, the focus shifts to ensuring that everyone can benefit from that growth and the progress of these indicators demonstrates the importance of that focus.

To note these data are largely precovid19 due to the lagging nature of the data and the actual year of the data is dependent on latest available release.

Outperforming Indicators:

Increasing at a higher rate than the UK average at 4.0% vs 3.4% (2017-2018)

Target –to reach £153bn by 2030 

+3.3% (+£801) growth compared to +2.7% UK (2017-2018)

Shortfall of £3,545 to the UK Average

+1.7% (+410) growth compared to decrease of -0.3% for the UK (2017-2018)

59 Births per 10,000 population–above the UK (58).

+0.7pp (+25,500 people) compared to +0.6pp UK (2018-2019)

To reach the UK average of 75.6%, an additional 82,370 required to be employed

Increasing at the same rate as the UK since 2018 (+2.7%)

Still a shortfall of £931 to reach national level. 

+4.4% (+36,200 people) compared to +2.7% UK (2018-2019)

To reach the UK average of 40.2%, an additional 173,249 need to be upskilled

+8.7% (+2,540 people) compared to +4.7% England (2017/18 -2018/19)

84,000 Apprenticeship Starts Target: An additional 52,300 required 

decreasing at the same rate as England since 2018 (-0.5pp)

To reach the England average of 5.5%, would require 713 less NEETs 

-0.06 decrease compared to an increase of +0.01 England 

To reach the England average -0.03 requires an improvement of +0.05 

Increasing above the UK average: +3.3% (+5,430) vs +0.5% (2017-2018)

To be above the UK per 10,000 population 409 vs 442 

+13.8% (+238) compared to 8.0% England (2017/18 –2018/19)

Increase the number of additional affordable rented dwellings

A decrease of nearly £44m from 2018 Output Gap

The aim is to have no output gap