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State of the Region 2020 Full Report

If the West Midlands was 100 people…

20% - Children

63% - Working age adults

17% - 65 and Over

78% - White

14% - Asian/ Asian British

4% - Black/Africa/Caribbean/Black British

3% - Mixed/Multiple Ethnic

1% Other

34% - NVQ 4 and above

17% - NVQ 3 (only)

17% - NVQ 2 (only)

11% - NVQ 1 (only)

8% - Other

2% - Trade Apprenticeship

11% - No Qualifications

79% - Earning Above

21% - Earning Below

58% - Physically Active

13% - Fairly Active

29% - Inactive

77% - Working age and active

23% - Working age and inactive

50% - Female

50% - Male

20% - Residents living in 10% most deprived

80% - Residents not living in 10% most deprived