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State of the Region 2020 Full Report

2. Zero Hunger

End Hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Gross Disposal Household Income (GDHI) per person in 2018 was £17,752 and has grown by 13.3% since 2014. The UK GDHI per person is £21,109 and has increased by 13.2%. in the same period. GDHI per person needs to increase by £3,357 in the WMCA to be in line with the UK. 

Across the West Midlands 7 Met. area, 22.1% (110,113) of all pupils in state funded nurseries and schools were known to be eligible for and claiming free school meals in 2019. This is above the England average of 15.0%. Following national trends, this has increased from 19.7% (97,054) in 2018, while England has increased from 13.2%. 

Prevalence of overweight (inc.obesity) for those in reception was 24.3% (9,044) in WM 7 Met 2018/19 –England 22.6%. Prevalence of overweight (inc.obesity) for those in year 6 was 40.2% (15,048) in WM 7 Met 2018/19 –England 34.3%. Prevalence of overweight or obese for adults aged 18+ was 65.5% in WM 7 Met 2018/19 –England 62.3%.

Between the 1stApril 2018 and 31stMarch 2019, the Trussell Trust’s food bank network distributed 142,234 three-day emergency food supplies to people in crisis in the West Midlands Region. This accounts for 9.0% of UK total of 1.6m. The latest mid-year statistics (April –September 2019) shows that 73,575 three-day emergency food supplies given by Trussell Trust foodbanks. This accounts for 8.9% of the UK total (823,145). 

  Num. of 3 day emergency food parcels given % of Total
Scotland 210,605 13.30%
Northern Ireland 36,783 2.30%
North East 88,708 5.60%
North West 222,722 14.10%
Yorkshire & The Humber 89,841 5.70%
East Midlands 75,659 4.80%
West Midlands 142,234 9.00%
Wales 113,373 7.20%
East 156,081 9.90%
London 166,512 10.50%
South East 148,640 9.40%
South West 132,510 8.40%
UK 1,583,668