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State of the Region 2020 Full Report

17. Partnership for Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

There are currently no indicators that can be used to measure this goal. However, the WMCA will carry on working with various partners to provide detailed reports in a range of topics as well as sharing the same visions and goals to reach targets

Research Case Study -WMCA Inclusive Growth Unit (IGU). 

The IGU, which is embedded within the WMCA, was established to build the confidence, evidence base and tools to support sustained inclusive growth in the West Midlands. Partners include the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Barrow Cadbury Trust, TUC West Midlands, Public Health England, and WMREDI all of which bring different expertise to bear in translating inclusive growth from a concept into practice. 

The IGU has developed and introduced a set of specific products:

  • Inclusive Growth Framework –this sets out the goals of inclusive economic growth in the West Midlands, and the progress that the region is making against those goals. These are not exclusively economic in nature, but are also social, environmental, and democratic. As such, the Framework establishes a virtuous circle between economic activity and public service outcomes
  • The Inclusive Growth Decision-Making Toolkit –this provides decision makers with a practical way of embedding the same inclusive growth goals into key policies, strategies and delivery plans. It represents a shift in how collective investment works, and will need to be piloted in order to assess its operational implications. 
  • A set of Inclusive Growth ‘Tests’ –a way to interrogate policy proposals by asking a set of focused questions. These were developed at the request of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, which requested that each WMCA report should account for its inclusive growth impact

These tools are currently being rolled out with partners including East Birmingham Board and the implementation of its Inclusive Growth Strategy, and on shaping the regeneration of Kingshurst in North Solihull. The tools were also used to shape #WM2041 around inclusive growth outcomes.