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State of the Region 2020 Full Report

What is happening in the West Midlands?

Aggregated data for the WMCA show that on average, local authority areas ranking higher for socioeconomic deprivation also have higher rates of COVID-19 related deaths. This demonstrates that there is a broad correlation between area deprivation and COVID-19 related deaths.

This should be interpreted with caution, as overall levels of deprivation within an area can mask more complex relationships and inequalities. However, we also know that the areas with higher levels of deprivation and higher rates of COVID-19 related deaths are also those where life expectancy and healthy life expectancy are generally lower, and where persisting health and socioeconomic inequalities are greater.

Those within the Black ethnic group may be most affected by exposure to infection as it has the largest population proportion of healthcare workers. The Pakistani ethnic group may be most affected due to an increased risk of infection through exposure to general public as having the largest population proportion of transport and storage workers. This group also be most affected by exposure to loss of income as having the largest population proportion of wholesale and retail trade workers along with the ‘other Asian ethnic group ’ population also affected by exposure to loss of income as having the largest population proportion of accommodation and food services workers.