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State of the Region 2020 Full Report

Voluntary sector and support

A poll of voluntary sector organisations showed that the biggest concern for them currently is how to support vulnerable groups, 38% of organizations surveyed identified cash-flow as their biggest concern. Nationally the charity sector bodies have made initial estimates that charities will miss out on a minimum of £4.3bn of income over the pandemic period, though the figure could be far higher. Research finds that up to 9 in 10 BME led organizations are at risk of closure after three months, with a projected 15,000 to 20,000 users per week unable to access services. Across the UK, 1 in 4 groups aren’t sure that they will still exist in 6 months’ time. 1 in 4 groups aren’t sure that participants will come back and 38% of group don’t feel equipped to support participants when they come back. Most organisations delivering youth services  (88%) indicated they are likely or very likely to reduce service provision to young people. 31% said that staff redundancies were likely, while 17% said permanent closure was likely.

800 potential and actual rough sleepers have secured accommodation in the WMCA region. Of those who have come in off the streets 10 have returned and a further 40 have refused offers of help. Of those accommodated close to 150 have no recourse to public funds 

Food poverty has accelerated through the pandemic, The Trussell Trust saw a national rise of 81% and 122% rise in parcels going to children. This is on the back of a 23% rise in the 6 months to December 2019.  The Independent Food network reported a rise 17 times the same period last year. The Trussell Trust have said current levels of provision are unsustainable. They published key finds of latest research which found:

  • An 89% increase in the number of food parcels distributed in April –up from 81% in March
  • 67% increase in household referrals-up from 48% in March
  • 107% increase in the number of children needing support from the same time in 2019

Crime and disorder

Nationally crime has fallen by 28% since Britain was locked down to battle the Covid-19. Falls in crime recorded by locally by police in the four weeks up until 12 April included a 37% drop in burglary, a 27% drop in vehicle crime, serious assault and personal robbery. Reported rape offences fell by 37% and shoplifting fell by 54%, with non-essential stores closed. Regionally personal robbery accounts for 3% of usual Total Recorded Crime (TRC). Personal robbery offences have seen a significant reduction of 53.6% since schools were closed and restrictions put 3 in place. Theft Shops & Stalls (TSS) usually accounts for 6% of usual TRC. TSS has reduced by 47.4% with almost all retail premises now closed, aside from supermarkets. Child Abuse accounts for 5% of usual TRC. With levels of school attendance being significantly lower than normal, referrals from partner agencies, especially those from education have been lower. Therefore, recorded child abuse has reduced by 47.7%. Hate crime accounts for 3%, and has reduced by 23.7% in the weeks since restricted movements began.Vehicle accounts for 11% of crime and it has reduced by 43% in the last six weeks and remain very low, most notably theft offences. The hypothesis remains that this is unlikely to change until restrictions are lifted. Domestic Abuse accounts for 17% of usual Total Recorded Crime. The weekly volume of Domestic Abuse has been stable since the beginning of March with a reduction of just 4% since restrictions in movement began. Offences would normally be in a period of seasonal reduction.

  • Food bank usage is 17 times higher than last year and a 107% increase in children needing support

  • Crime has dropped across the country 

    -54% in robbery

    -47% in theft from shops

    -4% domestic Abuse

  • 1 in 4 charity support groups don’t know if they will exist in in 6 months