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State of the Region Executive Summary - 2018

Balance outcomes

The WMCA is committed to pursuing and defining success in social and economic terms that feel real to citizens and bring benefits to all who live and work here. These principles are set out in the SEP
and developed further in the performance management framework (as set out on page 24). For the purposes of this report we have separated key metrics into the following five pillars, that recognise the importance not only of growth and productivity improvements, but also the contribution of vibrant communities and resilient citizens in creating economic success and places that people want to live and work in. The full technical report is available online. 1,2.


The report is based on five sections, with each section exploring the following:

Economic growth

Developing the regional economy underpins our ambitions. As the export centre of the UK, our economic success is vital to Britain’s future.

  • Improved GVA in line with the UK Average
Business Competitiveness & Productivity

Britain’s businesses are facing considerable uncertainties because of Brexit, but in the West Midlands we are steadily rebooting our reputation.

  • Improved the productivity of our businesses focusing on our growth sectors;
  • Improved competitiveness through energy and resource efficiency and stimulated new technology and business

Building the right skills is key to delivering improved productivity and prosperity - enabling all groups to access jobs.

  • Improved skills levels so that people have the skills and qualifications to access jobs

We want improved life chances for all residents, including those facing particular disadvantages or difficulties.

  • Improved life chances for all;
  • To reduce our health inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of our population including physical activity and mental health;
  • To reduce offending and re-offending

We will improve the connectivity of people and businesses to jobs, markets and housing - developing local places and communities.

  • Improved the connectivity of people and businesses to jobs and markets;
  • Improved the quantity of high quality, readily available development sites; turning brownfield sites to high quality locations that meet our housing and business needs