Introducing the Equality Scheme
This Equality Scheme sets out what we want equality, diversity and inclusion to look like in the West Midlands by 2024, and what we will do to get there. It describes how we will reduce inequality and improve the quality of people’s lives.
The Equalities Act 2010 is the most important law in this area. It lists nine ‘protected characteristics’. We explain these later in this document. But we believe that true commitment to equality and diversity goes further than this. It matters to everyone.
We produced this Scheme after talking to organisations and communities across the West Midlands. It uses knowledge that we have gained over the last few years.
The regional equality challenge is big, especially now because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The WMCA needs to lead the way. We must respond to what our residents tell us, and work closely with communities and other organisations. We must put equality at the heart of everything we do.